Prophetically, the roller coaster and the topsy turvy have combined and so there will be even greater turbulence across nations. We see what is happening in California, for example, and we continue to keep our eyes on that situation.
The HIN1 virus is causing more than jitters globally because no one will ever forget what took place during 2019 going into 2020 re the plandemic. So people right now are watching and they are literally on pins and needles, but we need to be prayerful. Prophetically, we also see where the plan of the emissaries of Satan was to release this virus later on in the year, but in order to make things difficult for the incoming president of the United States, they have decided to shift things around.
People are being warned not to make the same mistake they made during the covid-19 plandemic which was a mock exam or dress rehearsal for the next big crisis being planned. Be prayerful and be prepared to use all the resources that God would have provided for us, so that we can lead healthy lives and experience his Shalom. Ensure that you have certain natural products at home and utilize same so that you will not be caught off guard.
A revival will break out in the United States. That’s the prophetic Word which the Lord gave from last year. This does not mean that it will be all smooth sailing because as we always remind persons, a Revival is not all good, in the sense that in the midst of a Revival there will be upheavals. Remember that old structures or even new structures that are not built on righteousness will be taken down. Ungodly systems will be changed; ungodly leaders will be judged; ungodly thrones are also judged during Revivals. During Revival there is death; yes there is life, but we have to also mention the negatives. Very often, when you hear Revival, people just think of the pleasant part of it, but there are also the adverse parts that we need to bear in mind. Revival involves pain, dislocation, disillusionment, destruction, death, but in the midst of it all, hope springs forth and life springs forth. What is happening in California will lead to Revival too. As God judges that state and other states as well in the United States, many will turn to Him, because revival is really to turn the hearts of the people to God.
Jamaica, the Lord has already said to us that he warns this country in different
ways. When he judges other nations, Jamaica should look on to get an idea of what it looks like when God judges a nation, since Jamaica and other nations have not been paying attention to what is recorded in Holy Scriptures. There are those who are saying ‘oh those are Bible days; it was only in Bible days fire and brimstone could fall on a city’, but the Lord is allowing the four elements of creation to speak. These are water, air, fire and earth. Satan is doing his thing as well, causing even more confusion so that the people will not recognize that it is the Judgment of God. Those whose eyes are not open, will not recognize that this is the Judgment of God. They will look at it as acts of nature which is what they are saying about climate change, not realizing that you cannot separate nature from God. Nature is inextricably linked to God.