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Prophecy: Chaos overtakes the world

Things are deteriorating as far as righteousness is concerned across the globe. More and more, this world is moving further into chaos, darkness, decay and decadence. It is a world that now openly and unashamedly calls falsehood truth. Those who do this are aggressive and assertive in promoting this falsehood, and you who speak the truth, they try to crowd you out with the expressed intention to cancel you and where possible they can destroy you physically. They seek to take away your voice, take away your credibility, so even though you might be speaking the truth, no one would pay attention to you. The emissaries of Satan are becoming more aggressive and assertive and this is the type of world that Jesus saw when He was praying that final prayer according to John 17. He prayed for the church to be one.

Church is being used in so many misleading ways. Persons use church to mean denomination persuasion and such, but nothing could be further from the truth.  It has to do with the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why, one of the early names that was given to the people who followed Christ, was ‘people of the way’. No wonder Jesus announced Himself as ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life’ and made it explicitly clear that no one can gain access, no one commeth to the Father except through Him. There is this theology that there are many ways to God, but nothing could be further from the truth. That theology is from Satan. Now with the apostate church arising and you are seeing the different application, the different manifestations of this, the aspotate church is saying the name ‘church’ is archaic. They want to be lost in the crowd and embrace the values of the world, so that they can be all inclusive, not recognising that the church of the Living God is exclusive in the sense that if you do not submit and surrender to the crucified and risen Lord, and Saviour, Jesus the Christ, the son of the Living God and be washed in His efficacious blood, then you are not of Him, you are excluded.

The apostate church, as in the one at Laodicea for example, they want to say that we are inclusive; for everybody, but it doesn’t go that way. For everyone who names the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that you cannot confess the Lord Jesus as Christ unless the Holy Spirit is within you, because it is the spirit of God who will help you to bear witness that Jesus, the Christ, the son of the Living God is Lord. It doesn’t matter how knowledgeable you are, or how well endowed you are. It does not matter how long you have been moving in the domain or the sphere of those who are born again; if the Holy Spirit is not at the centre of your life, leading and directing you, you will never be able to confess Jesus, the Christ, the son of the Living God as Lord.

The church is not all-inclusive. We are seeing this ‘churcheology’ that the Apostate church has introduced that is called the woke agenda where they want to include everybody. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost, but He seeks them out through His people led by the Holy Spirit and they must confess and repent of their sins.

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