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Prophecy: Decay, decadence, darkness and destruction

Increasingly, leaders globally have moved away from the divine design and they have embraced the secular, humanistic, atheistic design. Once you move away from the divine design, you are stepping into darkness, decadence, disaster. It will not amount to human flourishing. As we look at the Caribbean and as we look at Jamaica, we have seen a dogged determination, on the part of leaders at the various levels, to step away from the people, to garrison themselves, to make themselves unavailable and inaccessible. In order to get to them, you have to go through so many different layers and by the time you exhaust those layers, the relevance and the urgency, the necessity for the visit would have long past. But they will go among the people when its time for election or when they have some devious agenda to promote, such as the beast system.

Jamaica is under judgement and we are due for a big one which will have devastating impacts and it will be multi-faceted; it will not just be one thing. The Lord has been showing persons different parts of it and it will be consistent with scripture.  No human being has the full picture. Our duty is to sound the alarm. The only antidote that can prevent this massive disaster which will impact the entire nation, which will be arguably one of the worse forms of judgement, is absolute and total repentance. It will be sudden. The Lord may put some of us in a privileged position where it will not be so surprising. So for example, He may give us a little nudge, not the full story, so that when it happens, we basically will not lose heart. But for the large majority of us, it is going to be a suddenly and things will happen so quickly in terms of the disaster itself. The most painful part will be the after effect.

Very shortly, Barbados will be numbered among one of the most unsafe places in the Caribbean and this will impact them all across the board, economically and otherwise. That’s what happens when nations move away from righteousness. They will no longer be able to be boasting as they have been doing that they are amongs the safest. They are now becoming very unsafe. This is the case all across the Caribbean, but they have just had their first mass shooting. Things are going to deteriorate there because that is what happens when Satan is in charge of a territory. It does not matter what you have, and what systems you put in place. Without righteousness, that’s what will happen; decay, decadence, darkness and destruction.

Jamaica, God is calling the nation. We have been a wicked, worthless, idolatrous, wretched, devious set of people. Our sin has come up before the Lord, like stench, like Riverton City. It has reached up to His nostril and the Lord is saying, I am going to be judging this nation in a major way. The judgement has started and it will increase in momentum and intensity. Because of the scale of the devastation, the entire island will be declared a disaster zone.

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