Two prophecies days apart, has left Kingston East and Port Royal Member of Parliament Phillip Paulwell even more upbeat about his personal and political future.
Both Apostle Steve Lyston and Apostle Jeffrey Shuttleworth had prophesied during an episode of the TBC morning radio programme “Conversations” on April 20 that the politician is going to get saved. Apostle Shuttleworth is the senior pastor at the Tarrant Baptist Church, while Apostle Lyston presides over Restoration World Outreach Ministries Inc (RWOMI) in the USA, Africa and the Caribbean, and of Restoration Outreach Ministries International (ROMI) in Jamaica.
“The Lord showed me that he is going to get saved,” said Apostle Lyston, before adding, “The hands of the Lord is upon Phillip Paulwell long long time and the Lord [is] calling him and there is no way out for him.”
Paulwell told the Freedom Come Rain newspaper, that a few days later, someone called him from the United Kingdom to relate a similar prophecy. He said unlike the persons who had make contact with him relaying the prophecy that was given on TBC FM, this person didn’t seem to know him at all.
The MP, who is an attorney-at-law, said he has been an Anglican for 40 years and is a member of the St Michael’s Anglican Church, which he now mostly attends online.
“I am quite thrilled to hear that there was such a prophecy. I do believe that people of God do bear witness and can communicate prophecies, so I will just have to be a lot more conscious and to be aware of what is happening in my own life,” said Paulwell who is a member of the People’s National Party.
It was also prophesied that Member of Parliament for St Thomas Western, James Robertson will also be saved and will be used by God to shape the political landscape in Jamaica.
“When these persons turn, they are the ones who are going to be taking on the political hierarchy and drive the fear of God,” said Apostle Lyston.
“Some people may say is it possible, and I say yes, it is possible because God will use them with the same zeal in the political area to bring change and he is going to back them.”
Robertson has been serving as the MP for St Thomas Western since 2002. The U.S. State Department revoked Robertson’s visa in 2011 for reasons never made public, however the politician who has served as a deputy prime minister for the JLP in the past, was accused of conspiring to commit murders based on a sworn deposition, done by St. Thomas businessman Ian Johnson as part of a request for political asylum in the United States in 2010. Robinson consistently denied the allegations.
Paulwell who has served in the past as a vice-president for the PNP, also had his US visa revoked in 2019. He was re-issued a visitors visa by the US Embassy after a two years wait. Both Robertson and Paulwell have also served as Energy ministers and both have had to counter rumours about their connections to nefarious individuals within their individual constituencies.
Apostle Lyston has called on the church community to pray for both men.
“God have a time for every man to bow and if we don’t bow, we can get cut off seriously. So sometimes when you see some people get cut off, they get cut off because they don’t obey the Lord,” he cautioned.
“Not because they don’t come in the public and speak, doesn’t mean that they are not crying out. When people normally get saved in Jamaica, it seems as if they are soft and life finish with them, but because of what is happening now, even to continue as a politician is not like one time; you have to be saved and be empowered and be covered under the blood,” he said.
The Apostle said based on God’s plans for Jamaica, there will be need for politicians who are, “blood-washed”. He reminded listeners of the transition of Saul to Paul in the bible. Saul, was an extremely zealous Jew who persecuted and killed followers of Jesus prior to his conversion on the road to Damascus. He was called Paul after this conversion and following a prophesy by Ananias that he is a chosen vessel who would witness to the Gentiles. He is credited for writing several books in the New Testament.