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Prophecy: Suddenlies will continue!

We are living in a time when no one can consider themselves to be safe, unless you are in God through Christ. Your money will not be able to save you when the suddenlies come. Strange phenomenon will happen on the water, under the water, on land, under the land, in outer space, and in the general atmosphere and by extension the environment; some of them inexplicable. Out of nowhere, they will say this happened although the place was so calm and we are not known to have that kind of thing happening, maybe we haven’t seen anything like this in the last 100 years based on research, that’s the sort of things we are going to be having; these suddenlies. If you are not in God through Christ, your safety is not guaranteed. Safety does not mean that you will not be taken out, but if so, you do not have to worry, because if you are in God through Christ and you are taken in one of the suddenlies, then God definitely is saying, you need to come home; your time is up. Isaiah 57, the first three verses,  gives some clear perspectives as to what would have caused God to take such an action. Water, air, fire, earth, the suddenlies will continue, as the roller coaster intensifies.

More and more, it is going to get expensive to operate a ministry. The types of write offs and privileges that churches have been enjoying globally, very quickly, that is becoming a thing of the past. They are now arguing globally that churches should not be given any benefit whatsoever, they should not be treated any different from other institutions in the society. Those who argue that way are Satanists, even if they don’t come forward to say I believe in Satan. By the very fact that they are going to say that churches should not continue to receive the various benefits that they are enjoying right now, is saying that they are pursuing the agenda of Satan knowingly or unknowingly. Churches have invested millions of dollars in the lives of people, in communities, not just in education, but right across the board. Churches, particularly those that are rightly aligned have provided services to the community. They offer counselling and for the most part do not charge, they give references and many do not charge, they offer basic consultations, deliverance ministries where husbands, wives, children are delivered. If these deliverances had not taken place, then you would have had suicides and all sorts of disasters that would have cost millions of dollars.

When you talk about sin and rebelliousness, you should look at this monkeypox situation. It is as a result for the most part due to unclean lifestyles. There is also gain of function research, where they have tinkered with the virus to make it more aggressive towards human beings.

The beast system cannot function with the church being in a position of authority.  The ideology and the tenets of the beast system are diametrically opposed to that of the church, because the beast system is managed and ruled by Satan.

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