Prophecy: The roller-coaster ride has started

The Lord is saying that there is more up ahead because the people have not repented. Remember the roller coaster has started. In the midst of it all, the people need to know that He is God. They need to turn to Him! He will build up a hedge around those who have surrendered to Him. 

 The blueprint of God cannot be ammended. In the same way that your DNA cannot be ammended; your fingerprints cannot be ammended. If you are going contrary to His blueprint, you are in rebellion, you are transgressing, you are tresspassing and there are consequences. This is because you are at cross purposes with the devine design, or the devine blueprint which is outlined in the Word of God and as is led and interpreted by his Holy Spirit. 

Many farmers are on the verge of throwing in the towel and that is exactly what the beast wants. The beasts wants to take full control of farming. All the different people who are farming right now, what the beast would want is to be in total control of farming, so small subsistence farmers will give up farming and food production will be firmly in the beast’s control. The beast will suggest that it is no longer viable because of climate change, and so people should not be investing in farming given what has happened to their farms with the passage of hurricanes. They will suggest that they the bigger players should focus on it instead, and everyone else focus on purchasing from them. That narrative very shortly will be trumpeted locally, but it is going to become more prevalent globally, because of the widescale devastation that will be visited upon farming industries and so on. Many will get discouraged and dissillusioned and leave it to the beast. We the people of God in Jamaica cannot afford for this to happen. 

Satan does not allow anniversaries to miss him and what his emissaries do is to speak into the womb of a new year. The Emancipation cycle will begin on August 1st, and then on the 6th of August another major portal will open with the Independence Year, which is a new anniversary. You cannot just sit back and allow these milestones to just pass and allow the witches, wizzards, and warlocks, the reprobates, to speak into these new years and set into motion those ungodly cycles. We must use those moments to set in motion Godly righteous cycles for the New Emancipation/Independence year. We need to prophecy, we need to decree and declare. We need to cancel and abort anything that is not of God, and set in place righteousness. 
