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Quit using history as an excuse to run from God

Your life is His story

The moment my friend of over three decades popped into my head, I sent him this question, one I had asked him in many different ways over the years: When are you going to accept Jesus into your heart and acknowledge Him as LORD and Saviour? 

The following was our brief conversation in the middle of the day when we were both at work; neither of us forewarned that God would move in this unexpected way.

Friend: What?! Did you have an epiphany or something? This is so random.

Me: You know what is required of being a follower of Christ. I don’t need to itemise this for you. I am very concerned about you and the Russian roulette you are playing. There is so much to gain and so much to lose at the same time. It is what you lose in finding Christ that will make your winning more meaningful.

Friend: Ok

Me: Further, I always have people’s souls on my mind, especially treasured friends and family members.  Always. No matter what we are discussing…or not…that is my ulterior goal…

Friend: Ahhhh. Did you know that Elon Musk’s pay package is $46 billion? One man! Palestinians, on October 7, killed 1,200 people. Many women and children. In response, Israel has killed over 33,000 people. They claim 14,000 were Hamas terrorists. So, I guess it’s ok.

Me: When I heard about Elon’s $46 billion, I said it doesn’t mean one thing to me. When he dies, even if they bury him in a gold casket with 24-hour security, his money means absolutely nothing. It is valueless.

Friend: Thousands have been killed in Ukraine by Russia. Russia says it can’t have NATO on its doorsteps. So, I guess it’s ok. Drought and famine have been rampant in parts of Africa for decades…


Me: Thank you for sharing from your heart. All this is God’s business, my friend, as difficult as this may be for many to swallow. Further, He gave us a perfect earth, and we, from Eve ate the apple, have mismanaged it. Israel is God’s heartbeat, and He has warned us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and leave the punishment of Israel to Him. He will discipline Israel, and He will also discipline any nation that rises against Israel. It’s HIS-STORY that He has written, and our task is to trust Him as the Author and the Finisher, to bring all this to a beautiful end. He is more than able to do so, and He certainly will. All He asks is if we are interested in being with Him when He wraps up everything that He has created and starts all over again. That’s it.

Don’t get distracted and diverted into destruction. Get on the right side of His-Story, and see how He will blow your mind. We are living in a time of amazing wonder, in spite of the storms all around. Don’t watch the heathen and rage against them, and then end up where they end up, too.

For example, there’s no point bashing LGBTQ (I minus, cancel, abstain from their) lifestyle; but still end up in hell beside them, along with adulterers, fornicators, liars, hypocrites, who die outside of Christ. 

Friend: I don’t know what to say to all this. I do not give it any thought. One way or the other. And not likely to. I don’t think it matters.

Me: Do you mean your soul? You don’t think your soul matters?

Friend: Yup

Me: Oh. We’re getting somewhere…

Friend: No, we are not. This is the end of this.

Me: Your soul is ALL, the only thing that really matters, dear. It is the essence of who we are. This is not the end of this. This is the beginning of eternity.

Friend: Lawks, pickney. End of this conversation.

Me: Yes, Sir, back to my prayer mat.


But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the LORD as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

The LORD is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

But the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.  2 Peter 3: 8-10

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