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Recharging The Covid-19 Cash Cow!

It is not unusual for manufacturing companies to explore new products and advance commodities that offer ready solutions to local or global crises. Pharmaceutical outfits, in particular, have done this for centuries. Medicinal remedies (some with debilitating side effects), technological devices, programmes, and a plethora of machines and contraptions have been introduced to address the myriad of ailments known to man.


But everyone should be deeply troubled by recent news that a senior employee at Pfizer was captured on tape by the nonprofit journalism group, Project Veritas, saying that the company is looking into mutating COVID-19 as a strategy to facilitate the development of new vaccines. 

Dr. Jordon Walker, a director of research and development at Pfizer, it is alleged, told an undercover reporter for Project Veritas that future mutations of the COVID-19 virus will provide the pharmaceutical giant with “a cash cow’ for years to come. 

These mutations were being explored, despite the real risks of them escaping into the global population and causing long-term illnesses and more deaths. Whether in jest or by deliberate disclosure, the very thought of willfully prolonging the pandemic for profit is of real concern.

COVID-19, regardless of how or why it started, has been a deadly weapon against humanity. It is an assault born and bred on the back of fear and the unquenchable lust for money. The spread of this dreaded virus was rooted in the vain imaginings and wickedness of those seeking to take advantage of a crisis.

The phrase, ‘do not allow a good crisis to go to waste’ was bandied about and echoed wildly across political and big pharma platforms. It became a clarion call for some in leadership to activate a clandestine process of global realignment. The Caribbean was not to be excluded. Regional governments spoke glibly about using the crisis well, even though the real plan, its intent, objectives, process, and end game remained shrouded in secrecy, but open to a variety of interpretations and wild guesses.


COVID-19, a virus which the healthy, uncompromised human immune system was expected to fight naturally and win, morphed into a mountain of fear, trepidation, death, and distrust that ripped families and friendships apart. It left millions masked and mourning and very few with any understanding of what happened or the way out of it.

This COVID-19 chaos rocked societies, despite early knowledge shared by those who knew that only the elderly or those with severe comorbidities needed to be concerned.

But soon the ‘good crisis’ which was not to be wasted, mutated into a powerful money-making monster, fully charged by fear. It became a self-reproducing cash cow whose milk was ‘mad money’ for big pharma and their friends.

They wasted no time in the crisis to churn out vials of untested and unproven substances for the terrified masses. Participant politicians and others urged compliance from prettily-painted soap boxes. 

Various side enterprises in the form of COVID-testing providers and mask and hand sanitizer producers popped up in diverse places.

The COVID-19 industry was born, wrapped in a bulky cushion of fear, bustling, and kept alive by those who benefited most.


If one were to take the recorded conversation of this Pfizer executive seriously, this deadly virus will continue to mutate and be with us for as long as it is profitable.

New variants that are unresponsive to current vaccines, will demand new boosters from the production line, even as other mutations are explored to break through and see to the death of any argument supporting natural immunity. It is a moving cycle of fear that has been energised, circling and entrapping the global population into a straitjacket, surviving on annual booster shots.  

Millions capitulated to the fear-mongering, forgetting their faith, accepting the drastic changes to the traditional ways of living, raising families, worshipping, working, travelling and doing business. More businesses have been forced online, the majority of banking and other financial transactions are online, more church fellowships and worship services are online, even family events and courtships have become a part of the new cyber reality.

Fear has become the dominant factor in human social interaction.  Undoubtedly, the shift to digitalization and biometric control is well underway without negotiation, but with broadscale acceptance and compliance, because too many are too fearful to even raise a question.


People of God must seek guidance from the Word of God, especially in this season. He has not given us a spirit of fear. He has given us love, joy, peace, and soundness of mind – that means healthy thinking, graciousness, understanding, wisdom and trust in His Word.

The pathway of fear is the way of the enemy and it leads away from God and to ultimate destruction. Fear is a brutal weapon against evangelism, fellowship and the spreading of the gospel which we are mandated to do. Any system that is built on fear, sustained by fear and elicits actions from fear cannot be of God. 

It is time for the people of God to wake up and reject the spirit and system of fear. COVID-19 will continue to be a “cash cow”, as was said by the big pharma executive, and God will still be God. His Word will still stand. Wake up, repent, reject the enemy, and the feast of fear. 

Choose life. Choose Christ and live!

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