Reclaim Our Youth  Watchers Arise

By Jody-Ann Williams

We ought to be vigilant and sober, not just for ourselves but also for the youth of this nation. There is a real enemy prowling at all times, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Part of my assignment as a parent, evangelist, and intercessor for the nation is to set designated times to pray for our youth. Prayer is just one aspect of spiritual covering. 

In this article, I want to expose the dark realities of what our children are experiencing and are involved in, as well as ways to recover.It is too easy for them to fall prey to the traps of the enemy. As a parent, you might feel overwhelmed by the exposure of evil in this world; it is all around, and it becomes too easy to sin, but the mere fact that we were born in this era means we are equipped to deal with its challenges.  The Lord clearly says ” He did not give us more than we can bear” (1 Corinthians 10:13). As a parent, the burden to be watchful is a heavy one as we cannot see all things or be everywhere at once, but I’m here to encourage you: we serve a God who is El Roi, the God who Sees and knows all things; we have a God who is Omnipresent, and we can trust Him to guide us and watch over our children. This is one reason why we dedicate and train our children in the way of the Lord so that they are covered spiritually (Mark 10:13–16, 1 Samuel 1:27–28, Proverbs 22:6, 1 Corinthians 7:13–14).


There is a breach in spiritual covering when our homes are unstable. Children’s mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being is a big part of their stability. If we fail to nurture and care for their psychological needs, we make them susceptible to the enemy. As parents and guardians, it is our responsibility to do our due diligence to provide the basic needs of our children, not just food, water, clothing, shelter, or ensuring they sleep. They need to be cared for in body, soul, and spirit.

When a child’s basic needs are met but are neglected in attention, affirmation, security, protection, guidance, communication, or encouragement, this creates a craving for them to initiate a search; this hungry search for love opens them mentally to the orphan spirit. Many children are diagnosed as having ADHD when, in fact, they lack proper structure within the home, a father’s presence, or the right nutrition. Motherlessness or fatherlessness disrupts them and deprives them of psychological peace.


Loneliness is not just isolation from social connections; it can be experienced even in the company of others. Feelings of loneliness are rooted in abandonment. We ought to be sensitive to the needs of our children, discerning the ways in which they receive love (5 love languages). If our homes are not their safe place, they will go in pursuit of a community where they feel accepted. The question is, are you their safe place? Home is not just a building but a person.  Home is a place where they feel protected and loved unconditionally. 

Can they bring the issues they face with their peers to you, and are you paying attention to their concerns?


Our children are exposed to smoking and vaping, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, and witchcraft, and we are not even aware of it because often times we as parents are negligent and naive. 

Due to the generational gap, we are naturally disconnected socially if we do not keep up with our knowledge of the culture. ‘For lack of knowledge, we perish’. 

It is becoming harder to monitor our children, especially on the internet, as it’s a whole world to itself. As parents, we must be vigilant, as there is a whole dark web that seeks to set traps for the vulnerable. 

Through the portals of online chats such as Discord, our children are left to strangers. They are speaking to predators and pedophiles through the websites they visit. Advertisements for pornography and witchcraft are at their fingertips, as are tarot card readings and horoscopes. 

One unsuspecting occult activity is ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response), which has the ability to put our children into a trance. So, we see that their management of stress, like that of adults, is through escapism, where they explore different portals: gaming, drinking, drugs, alcohol, unhealthy attachments to things, places, and people, etc.

You can be present physically but absent from them emotionally. Your mental absence teaches children that they are not important, thereby creating a foundation of unworthiness and low self-esteem for them. In cases of physical abandonment, our youth are thrown to the wolves.


 Humbly acknowledge where you fall short as a parent.

  1. Apologize for abdicating your role as a parent. This is one of the most impactful and powerful acts you could ever do. Apologize specifically for the ways you have fallen short.
  2. Have a structure for your home and stay committed to it. Children appreciate structure and correction in the long run, and they respect you even more for setting boundaries for them. When we retract from our commitments, we prove to them that our words have no value.
  3. Set aside time to listen, affirm, play, and encourage your children with the Word of God.
  4. Be vigilant in the natural and spiritual realms. Monitor their interactions online, but also educate them about the dangers that exist in this world.
  5. Trust them.  Allow them to grow – they will make mistakes, but be gentle with them.
  6. Having done all that you could to raise your children, you stand on the Word , wearing the full armor of God.

A full-time evangelist, Jody-Ann heads the Healing and Deliverance Ministry, School Evangelism, and Discipleship programme at Church on the Rock, Kingston. Call 876-818-3439. 

Jody has authored two books: ‘The Good News of Deliverance’ and ‘Introspection – the Devotional Series’. They are available at Bryan’s Bookstore, York and Lee’s Pharmacies, or contact

Nadine Harris: