Salvation? What’s that?

Have you ever felt confused or unsure about what it means to be saved, or even desire to help someone who might be in this position? God does not want us to be ignorant or confused, but confident in our identity as His children. Hence, He ensures that receiving His salvation is an undeniable experience. When it happens, you may not have the articulation, but you know without a shadow of a doubt that you have been changed. Now, let’s explore both the knowing and the articulation when we next meet; the former is of utmost importance, while the latter brings greater appreciation and edification that are definitely helpful in the Christian journey.


In my early teens, I found myself well acquainted with “church life.” It started with getting involved in a youth summer production that involved dancing, singing, and acting. Of course, it was my mom’s idea of keeping me occupied since school was on a break! It was fun for me, though, as I enjoyed dancing, the food, meeting new peers, etc. Looking back, it wasn’t so much about God during that time, but it was my blooming social life that caught my interest.

That said, when summer was over, I wanted more, and so I would be sure to turn up at youth fellowship on Friday nights (and occasionally on a Sunday morning). At some point, however, I heard about church camp, and there was much hype and anticipation surrounding this event. Though I knew my mom could not afford it, I thought, “I have to be there!”

What did I do?

I bawled in a church service during a time of prayer, asking God to make a way. Guess what? In His mercy, He did. Even though my motivation was just to get out of town with the other youths, God had other plans.

Camp was indeed fun, but for the first time, I think God actually got my attention. I heard the word of God, sang the songs, went to the altar, and even experienced some intense emotions.

That weekend, I returned home feeling different, but I was not made new; I only experienced “a washing.” The real deal was yet to come, but at the time, I did not understand that there was more to salvation. So, even though I resolved to attend church for the right reasons, started taking notes during the services, joined the dance ministry, etc., it all faded away.I did not have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside me, and that was the missing piece of the puzzle.My latter teen years were spent away from church and fuelled by peer pressure, progressing in sin, and loving it. The very things I despised in my earlier years, I engaged in them, and then some.

By my early twenties, I was caught in helpless, destructive cycles and relationships that only grew worse despite my efforts. The enemy was having a field day, but God was allowing this to bring my heart to a place of realising my true state—that I was sinful and in need of a Saviour. Having this revelation, I sought God and His forgiveness desperately, and guess what? 

He met me! 

This time, I not only encountered Him, but it was a complete engagement as He filled me with His Holy Spirit. Now I was saved! Now I was truly free and loving God and others! I was transformed from the inside out, and that reflected in my ability to live righteously (according to God’s standards and not my own). Nearly 10 years later, this filling of His Spirit is still very much in effect as I live in obedience to Him.


So, I want to highlight that believing in Jesus’ existence and power, church attendance/involvement, being associated with Christian families or friends, and even water baptism, in and of themselves, do not fulfil the righteousness of God. 

We must be born again of the Spirit of God (spiritual baptism). 

To be considered saved, God, by the Holy Spirit must be able to testify of you as His. He ensures that He bears witness that we are children of God by firstly filling us with His Holy Spirit. (Rom 8:9, 8:16). Until this happens, one is void of the power to live a truly victorious Christian life (John 1:12-13).

Do you want this life-changing experience so you can indeed live for God? That’s Him drawing you! He is willing to pour out His Spirit in and upon you as you seek Him in total sincerity. He will not resist such a heart.


Kimoy Callum is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry. Contact Passion and Purity at
