Sexual Purity: “I am addicted to pornography”

We have recognised that there are some deep matters that are plaguing many youths whether directly (through personal experiences) or indirectly (through peer pressure/temptations). 

Let’s examine one of these major issues relating to sexual purity, and provide you with some Godly perspectives through our answer.


I am addicted to pornography and I love sexually explicit material. I also love to listen to very vulgar songs and have even been successful in getting some of my friends addicted as well. Now I want to change but my mind is consumed with pornography. What do I do?


It is good that you want to change. Addiction to pornography is dangerous. It is actually a perversion of God’s beautiful gift of sex. The devil perverted it in His rebellion against God to pollute and enslave minds and bodies. One of the negative effects of pornography is that it gives persons unreasonable and perverted standards by which they co

mpare themselves and their sexual partners.

Therefore, since you have already engaged in it, your heart/mind have been made filthy and by extension, destructive. This is not good for you. God says when we allow our hearts to be defiled, out of it will flow evil things such as adultery, fornication, murder, theft, lust, covetousness, blasphemy, malicious intent and pride among others (St. Matthew 15:19). Such things are formed in our hearts from the things we read, listen to, agree with and practice.

The fact that you realise that what you are doing is wrong and you need help means that your heart is crying out for help. You can begin by crying out to God to help you, and by speaking to Godly mentors and role models who may be able to guide you along the right path. Commit yourself to walk in the Godly counsel you receive. As long as you are sincere, God will change your heart and empower you to change your thought patterns. 


Put safe search on your computer to avoid immoral images from popping up as you do your searches.

Make a resolve in your heart not to watch anything that is sexually suggestive 

Avoid conversations that are sexually perverse.

Note that the above tips are only effective if you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Who is the power of God to resist temptations). 

Will power always fails! 

Confess your evil and lustful thoughts to God. If you seek Him sincerely, He can fill your mind, heart, and life with His purpose for your life. This will leave no room for pornography and you will begin to see these practices as repulsive.
