Shaking Gordon House


Hear the rumblings; Gordon House is shaking again! The House, where the nation’s Members of Parliament congregate to pass laws, set budgets, and discuss the people’s business, has disintegrated into a place of crassness, crudeness, and nastiness, only short of fisticuffs and gun fights, especially over recent years.

Anyone who has been paying close attention to the antics of the government and their counterparts over the years would have noticed the gradual decline and anticipated the most recent toxic tenement yard contention coming a mile off.

It is true that when these elected representatives of the people meet, some laws are shaped, amended, and discussed, but the sittings have generally become a common place where the most ill-mannered, rumbustious, unscrupulous, and corrupt gather to hide as much as possible from the people in highfalutin chatter and boisterous backchats. The Parliament has descended into a place of meaningless pronouncements, prideful pretence, parading, performances, and open malice.

So when a decade-old rumour of an illicit relationship between the Prime Minister and a Member of Parliament hit the formal discourse in official news reports, no one was shocked. In this shameful development, even the Prime Minister’s wife, who is properly ensconced in the Speaker’s high seat, is accused of cold-shouldering the young woman. This kind of tenement yard drama fits perfectly into the drunk and disorderly ghetto Gordon House has become.

In an atmosphere where there is a high perception of corruption, even the sanctity of marriage will not be spared. The fact is, where God is not honoured, no one else can be. The place has become the playground for Satan, and since he is on a mission to steal, kill, and destroy, every semblance of decency is fractured, conmanship is celebrated, and donmanship is elevated.

The rejection of God and righteousness clears the way for reprobate rule, with immorality as its prominent henchman. With Gordon House in its current state, it is clear that Jamaica is in serious trouble because the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. When unrighteousness is promoted and practised among those who govern, the people mourn, and only judgement, aka the wrath of God, awaits.

Scriptures are littered with stories about the ultimate demise of kings who chose the way of the wicked as they ruled over Israel. Neither the king nor the people prospered. Jamaica is no different; there is no prosperity outside of God. We are either for God or we are against God. Nothing or no one can stand against God and survive.

The longstanding claim that Jamaica is a Christian nation is only idle chatter if righteousness is sidelined. Regardless of the fact that generations of our people were raised in the Church, if Jamaica turns its back on th

e Eternal Father, it has hell to face.

Today, the descendants of the churched vilify and reject God. They are proud, ungrateful, corrupt, steeped in their vain imaginations, and their impudent hearts are darkened. They profess themselves to be wise but are really fools because they have rejected God and righteousness. And it is from this injudicious pool that leaders are elected.

They may swear to serve the people and honour the nation’s constitution at inauguration, but as soon as they settle into the top seat, their true commitments surface. In too many cases, the love of money and their allegiance to their international partners take precedence over the people they swore to serve. Regardless of how unrighteous the diplomatic edicts may be, as long as they are mandated by developed countries backed by their mighty mammon, those who occupy the high seats of politics are ready to sign away the rights and will of the people. 

According to the world’s standards, mammon is the god driving industries, politics, careers, dreams, and relationships. Those in leadership who worship this god are likely to be steeped in secret societies and the occult. 

With the rejection of righteousness, they have no problem adapting to the Satanic agenda that is powered by money. Diplomatic mandates giving women the right to murder their babies in the womb become a cause for them to champion. Diplomatic devils push the notion that witchcraft must be legalised and given religious standing, the LBGTQI is a human right and so too is paedophilia and bestiality, and all of these reprobate behaviours must be accommodated and even taught to our children. 

Too many of these men and women in leadership have become the echoing voice of the international oppressors, snubbing the enshrined will of the local people whose votes they begged or bought to secure their seats. 

Forgetting that Jamaica and all that is in it really belongs to God, they use their elected office to push and promote the programmes of the wicked. 

With no consideration for the unbanked or the elderly without access to online transactions, there was talk about quickly advancing towards a fully digital society. Without any consultation with the people and any thought about longstanding national traditions, commitments are made with outsiders about restricting disciplinary measures available to parents in their homes. The Samoa Agreement was signed and shoved down the throats of Jamaicans like bitter medicine, despite their justified resistance. 

In a country where the Bible is still the undiluted truth of God and the constitution still criminalises buggery, there was even a glib mention that hate speech laws are to be considered. The people are well aware that hate speech laws are being used to silence Christians in many developed countries. Some believers are even corralled into confined areas where they are monitored or gagged for quoting Scriptures or even praying in public spaces.

New-age thought has captured the imaginations of some in leadership. Regular devotions in schools have been put on notice and curtailed in some cases. Peace benches are being erected, and Biblical teachings are labelled archaic, mythical, and irrelevant.

Seated in this once-hallowed House are some who are without understanding and others who are covenant breakers, forgetting the things they swore to the people they promised they would serve. Among them are the merciless, who took onto themselves up to 300 percent salary increases, while giving crumbs to teachers, the security forces, and other public sector workers. Skirts are being lifted, even as prophecies become reality. We are in the season of exposure, and as the old adulterous rumour made it into the main newscasts, there are tonnes of other hidden things that will be shouted from rooftops. The spiritual shaking has begun
