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Signs of the End Times: One-world order takes shape

The UN 79th General Assembly

Christians are being urged to pray as world leaders prepare to come together next month for the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations which will be a major step in the march towards one-world control.

The global event, which is slated to be held in September in New York City, will discuss international affairs and pass resolutions that will impact the UN’s 193 member states, including Jamaica.

In the inaugural lecture to mark the Freedom Come Rain Newspaper fourth anniversary, publisher and senior pastor at the Tarrant Baptist Church, Apostle Jeffrey Shuttleworth noted the significance of this particular Assembly as the countries gather to sign a pact for the future.

“They are saying that the outcome of the pact for the future will be a world and an international system that is better prepared to manage the challenges we now face. They are saying also that the pact for the future is likely to be another part of the shift to what they describe as a world governed by unelected internationalist politicians,” the pastor explained during the lecture which was titled “Signs of the End Times”.

Apostle Shuttleworth pointed to Claus Schwab, for example, who was never elected and would likely not enter a political election, but because of his wealth, is able to influence those who are elected by the people. Persons like Schwab,who is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, can invite world leaders to meetings behind closed doors and make them glowing promises to embrace particular agendas.

“UN member states are likely to vote to radically alter the UN and this is very important because for the first time, if this vote goes through, the UN will have power [teeths] to act and they are looking at reshaping the UN into what is called UN 2.0. The UN would now be in a position they say to influence the way nation states make decisions regarding the future of the planet, so the stage as you can see is being set for a one world order,” Apostle Shuttleworth noted during his presentation to a large gathering at the church located at 151 Molynes Road in Kingston.

Apostle Jeffrey Shuttleworth

While the United Nations over many decades has been the international agency that many have relied on to look out for the best interests of individual rights and freedoms and international co-operation, the global body has in recent years joined the bandwaggon of the “beast system”. It is increasingly rubber-stamping and promoting unrighteous ideas and positions through varying resolutions and declarations.

In 2013, the United Nations Human Rights Office launched the UN Free & Equal campaign to promote equality and non-discrimination for LGBTIQ+ people worldwide. By 2018, the UN was at the forefront of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which reclassified gender identity disorder, or identifying as transgender, in terms of sexuality, not a “mental disorder”. This led to the wide scale promotion of this mental health condition as acceptable lifestyle.

The United Nations General Assembly has also encouraged and facilitated interfaith worship, which is an act prohibited by God. The intention is to create a one world faith.

“They will seek to now advance that plan of this one world government through the UN, so you will know how to pray,” Apostle Shuttleworth told those in attendance at the lecture. Planning for the two day event has been in train since 2022 following repeated calls by the current Secretary General António Guterres  for the shifting of  financial resources to rapidly complete the agenda 2030 which was set by the UN in 2015.

In September 2021, the Secretary General released a report which he called  “Our common agenda”. This was to facilitate the acceleration of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Some of the key items on the agenda for the 79th general assembly include the International financial system and development (resolution 78/136);  and the Promoting investments for sustainable development (resolution 78/141)

These money matters must be carefully watched as the nations move to implement digital economies and cashless societies in a global network linking all individuals through centralised banking arrangements.

According to UN documents, climate change and the pandemic have compounded the sense of urgency for digital transformation across public and private sectors. There are concerns however, that digital transactions rob persons of their privacy and delivers control of human beings and their purses to governments and international bodies.

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