Social unrest like a wave of locusts to sweep the globe

Bible prophecy must be fulfilled. The Word of God told us that evil would flourish and there would be a one world government, one world order, one world religion.  In order for that to happen, it means that Satan would have to regain lost grounds in all seven pillars in all the continents, and position himself along with his emissaries in strategic positions. Notwithstanding that, based on the description in the seven letters which were written to the churches of Asia minor, Turkey, the churches fell asleep in different ways and became compromised. We cannot allow Satan to re-assert himself and to take back lost territories.

There are consequences that await France for its blasphemous opening ceremony. France has started to experience this and you are going to see this more over the months ahead. Natural disasters, political unrests, economic fallout will be happening. It has started economically, because a number of the hotels in France, a number of the eateries, for example restaurants, taxis, and other entrepreneurs are crying foul. They are saying its one of the worse summers, and its one of the worse seasons they have experienced financially and so they have tried to do desperate things to make some money, since they have invested millions.

If Jamaica were to win any of the Olympic event, our National Anthem would be played. In a setting where you have given Satan leverage and authority over such a game, and there are Satanists who are watering the altars by praying, decreeing, declaring and having their worship to magnify Satan as you would the True and Living God, any nation that would bring a message of righteousness to counter the dominant ethos which was cultivated there on that international altar, everything would be done to ensure it doesn’t happen. When those activities of debauchery and idolatory, sacrilege, blasphemy took place, intercessors were called upon to pray for our athletes because they would come under attack, not necessarily physical attack, but spiritual attack. Satan does not want the limelight to be taken away from him in any way.

It was prophesied that we would see Prime Ministers fleeing and we are seeing in Bangladesh where the Prime Minister has fled the country and there is more of this to come due to political unrest. It will be like a wave of locusts is sweeping the globe. Many different countries and islands are going to be affected by protests, civil unrests, social unrests. We see what’s happening in Kenysa, Blangadesh, Nigeria.

We need to improve our prayers for schools because the damage done to the infrastructure of our schools is very bad. If things continue as they are, then we could have a delay in the opening of schools and more schools going online for the first part of the academic year, which is not good. We need to intensify our prayers for the schools getting back on track and parents need to partner with other stakeholders to get the school plant up and running before September. Going online would not be in the best interest of our children.

Because of the climate change push, more and more nations are going to be outlawing the burning of charcoals. It will also be put forward here in Jamaica very shortly. You will hear the discussions in parliament, where they will discuss, outlawing the burning of charcoal because of so-called climate change. What the Lord is saying to all of us and especially those who burn charcoal and depend on it, is to be careful and deliberate in how you harvest your wood. Where you are able to cut a tree, so that it continues to grow, do that, and try and plant three trees for every one tree that is destroyed. There are some fast growing species of trees. Go to the Forestry Department and they will advise you as to the best ones. Also, explore more the area of Bamboo charcoals. Plant as many bamboo shoots as you can. These will help to nullify any proposal that will be made in parliament in time to come re outlawing the burning of charcoal.
