Whenever God chooses to do anything in the earth, He makes it His business to reveal His secret operations to His servants, the prophets. But in this end-time season, He goes even further to release His spirit on all flesh. Old men are dreaming dreams, and the youth are seeing visions.
So it should not be surprising to see a plethora of self-professed prophets emerging in recent years, especially on social media. Many claim to have heard, dreamt, witnessed, or discerned messages from God. They have been declaring all sorts of revelations pointing to global phenomena that they interpret as signals of the Lord’s imminent return.
Not surprisingly, on social media, there is a daily showdown where prophecies and counter-prophecies, assertions, and accusations branded as word of knowledge and divine awareness clash. Some who claim to walk under a super anointing of sorts, level charges at others, claiming that they are false and powered by the forces of darkness. In the midst of prophetic controversies that seek to entertain and not enlighten, lives in their crudest and most unsanitised forms are exposed and even destroyed.
Satan, through his witches and warlocks, uses the clashes and controversies to confuse and deceive those who are not properly plugged into righteousness, prayer, and the Word.
But the true prophets of the Sovereign Lord speak Biblical truth. There is no confusion in their declarations, as God is not the author of any such script.
Without a doubt, there are wars, rumours of wars, floods, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes in divers places that are happening now and will intensify. Many other curious events, such as raging fires in unexpected places, rings of fire around the sun, and both the sun and the moon shining side by side in the brilliant open skies, are evidence that the creation knows that the end is imminent.

Jesus, Himself, told the disciples that when they hear of wars and commotions, great earthquakes and famines, pestilences, and fearful sights, they should not be terrified, for these things must happen before the end of time. We are living in these times.
Christians who are determined to stand for the truth of God must brace for devastating persecution, and face adversarial courts of law and inhumane imprisonment. Leaders of governments and global authorities will move to shut down the voice and function of the Church and enforce legislation that will threaten the very lives of Christians, the existence of their jobs or businesses, and even compromise the safety of their families. So intense will be the unrighteous movement and ungodly enforcers that even close family members will become fearful and choose the easy way out. Some will cave in and join the agents of Satan against their own relatives who put up resistance.
Another real-time, end-time signal is the desperate move by the global financial agencies to rush nations into becoming full digital economies. This will set the stage for the arrival of the global control of man, money, and movement. It is a one-world government that will manage the affairs of nations from a centralised virtual network.
The Jamaican government, with its undeterred mission for early enrolment in the one-world order, has already signalled which road it is likely to take. The National Identification System (NIDS) is aligned with the global move for centralised control of all humanity.
The people of God who have been chosen and equipped to stand against the wiles of the enemy must speak up and push back.
As wars, civil unrest, tensions among religious orders, famine, floods, and other untenable situations destabilise the world as we know it, the glaring absence of peace from world affairs underlines the need for order and control. In addition, it will facilitate the emergence of a prominent, well-respected peacemaker for modern times.
This man of peace will offer logical, realistic, and acceptable solutions to the majority and will be celebrated as a giant for progress—a global hero, admired and sought after by nations.
Proposed and accepted solutions to the global instabilities will range from the merging of hostile religious opponents to form a unified body with many gods. It will also offer a centralised management system for food in order to address famines and issues of inequity. This centralised system will also be extended to include natural resources and wealth. The world’s version of peace will promote, legalise, and embrace tolerance of lifestyles and practices that were once detestable.
Countries that will refuse the global peace solutions in the end-times will suffer severe sanctions. Only political leaders who are chosen by God and who are submitted to the leading of His Holy Spirit will stand against the massive push, coercion, and allure of the world.
Let it be known that the beast is already in full activation. It is the promoter in chief of the one-world order with the expressed ideology that all nations will find it convenient to give power and comply with the dictates of a universal entity that is not God, and the man who is Satan’s appointed emissary.
For the unsuspecting and unwise, especially corrupt leaders in underdeveloped nations, their skins catch fire at the thought of partnering with Satan and getting their grimy hands on the world’s wealth and resources, even if it means ditching God to do it.
Serving God is real work and is often inconvenient, but there is the Remnant, spread across the world, who are already fully armoured up and engaged. God’s chosen people are battle-ready, equipped with weapons of warfare, and fearlessly advancing against the forces of darkness. We will face down the wiles of the enemy, demolishing strongholds and delivering the undiluted gospel to a resistant world, even if it costs us our very lives.
The great thing is that we are not just victors in this fight; we are more than conquerors. Beyond that, the battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s, and it is already won.