The Azans—Still Passionately In Love After 45 Years

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. Proverbs 31 vs. 10

Emanuel Azan is living out the words of Kenny Rogers’ classic, “Through The Years” as he has pledged his love and devotion over the years to his beautiful wife, Marva.

44 years ago, on December 16, 1976, to be exact, when he first laid eyes on her, he knew she was the one for him.

In an interview with Freedom Come Rain, he informed that it was instant attraction and a conviction that she was the one for him.


He can still remember that first encounter, as he said he went to meet her at his sister’s request to escort her to their house.

He recalled staring so intensely at her that Marva quizzed him on why his gaze was so focused.

With a laugh, he said he confessed his love for her, and at her scepticism, he made a bold declaration: “One day you’re gonna be my wife!”

With a smile, Azan, who pastors a church in Clarksville, Tennessee, in the United States, said Marva, who was one year his senior at 19, thought he was plain crazy and a bit too arrogant for her.


As Azan began to wear down her defences, Marva decided to put him before the “Judge and Jury” and introduce him to her father who could be a bit intimidating.  If he was the man for her, then unlike the many of her prospective suitors who had hastily retreated after meeting Dad, he would stand strong. 

To this day, she confesses that she has no idea what they spoke about, as the introduction proved to cement the fact that he was actually “the one.”

“He came in and they sat down for almost four hours talking, and I became mad as I thought he was spending too much time with my father; after all, he had come to see me!” she quipped.

Emanuel, like the army man he was, having won over her father, then turned attention to wearing down her defences until she finally agreed to be his wife.

Three months later, he put the ring on her finger, as he calls himself a man of action, and besides, he already knew she was the one, so it made no sense to drag out their engagement.


Young, tall, and handsome, many thought he would stray, and actually put a timeline on their union lasting, as naysayers were convinced it would not stand the test of time.

“Great looks don’t mean roving eyes. Sure, I was in the army and was absent from home a lot, but I was committed to my vows and super in love,” he said.

Even as Emanuel expressed his love, commitment, and devotion back then, Marva said she had reservations about his being loyal as his good looks and athletic body were there for all other women to see.

She need not have worried, as he did everything to reassure her that “she was for keeps.”


Today, they are like two peas in a pod; they still exchange loving looks, and it is not hard to see the adoration they both wear on their faces. They are each other’s best friends, and he confesses that if she is not beside him in the bed, then it is hard for him to go to sleep.

As much as their marriage seems like a fairy tale, Emanuel will be the first to confess that there are days when they have disagreements—”which union doesn’t?” he asked. But he said his technique is to find a place to “cool down” and then seek her out and apologise. With a chuckle, he confessed that there are times when he isn’t even sure what he is apologising for, but he does anyway.

Marva has her own way of “getting revenge” as she said she would “accidentally kick his butt” in the night or throw her hands across him a bit harder than she should, which would give the desired result—their making a joke of it, and…

45 years later, Emanuel is now looking forward to their golden anniversary as he continues to celebrate the love of a lifetime.

Nadine Harris: