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The enemy will not have our children

LORD, our children are gifts given to us by You, LORD. Each one of them is unique with special aptitudes and talents. 

LORD, You said in Lamentations 3, 22-23 that “Your compassions are new every morning,” so in the Name of Jesus, I am moving forward in faith, LORD, and claiming Your mercies for our children.  

I am believing in the One who has the authority to speak to You, God, on our behalf; His Name is Jesus the Christ, and I pray that those parents who have not yet turned to You, that they would do so now, LORD. We all need You, LORD God. 


I believe that there is power in corporate praying, LORD, and I know that prayer, with faith, moves mountains, so, we, the believing parents, are crying out to You. 

We are terrified, LORD God, of the staggering numbers of children we are losing each day to abuse, abduction, violence, and deception.

LORD, we are crying out to the One Who is able to not only change the trajectory of our children’s lives, but to change it in the twinkling of an eye. LORD Jesus, You have the power to give hope and to restore hope. You are the One Who comes with healing in Your wings. My LORD and my God, the good and great Shepherd. You are able to bring our children back into the big, wide, open space of Your green pastures. 

You are able to bring them into the Promise Land. Like You said, a goodland, LORD, flowing with milk and honey. Milk gives us nutrients necessary for building bones and puts flesh on our bodies. It is essential for growth, too; and honey, LORD, has healing properties, which means that, You, LORD, are bringing us into a land where we can flourish and grow.

LORD, You have committed to bless us all through Abraham’s seed (Jesus Christ) and You did not break that promise. So, yes, we the believing parents will continue to put our trust in You, LORD, for You are faithful, You are reliable, and You are trustworthy. You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and You have never failed…never once…so, LORD, I know that you will not fail us now. We will not let go of hope…we will not let go of You. 


You, LORD God, see all the deprivation plaguing our children. The gathering and the upsweep of the net of deception and destruction have already begun. The catch is teaming with the lives of our helpless children caught in the ambushes and traps set by the Enemy. 

LORD God, our children do not know that they have already been redeemed. They do not even know that they have a Saviour, Who has already paid the high price that sin demands, and that You, the Living God, are satisfied with that payment…the shedding of Jesus’ blood at Calvary…the blood that has the power to cleanse us all and to pronounce us righteous.

So, we decree that neither society nor government will have our children, LORD; neither will technology or science; nor will the enemy.  Hope belongs to us, LORD, and our children belong to You. 

LORD God, all things are possible with You, and suddenly is how You move.  So, we wait on you to intervene, LORD God, intervene.

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