Dear Editor,
What kind of judgements does God want from Jamaica’s final Court of Appeal? Why is this question relevant to Jamaica’s Constitutional Reform Process? It is relevant because we are a nation that expresses through our National Anthem that the Eternal Father keep us free from evil powers and be our light through countless hours. Therefore, we look to God for protection from evil influences that will try to prevent us from following God’s enlightened direction.
The Eternal Father created us. He rules over all governments and over all nations. He is the highest judge. His judicial decisions are written in the Holy Scriptures. Any judge on earth who makes a judicial decision that contradicts God’s judicial decisions is displeasing to God.
From May 26, 2020, the Judicial Code of Conduct for the Caribbean Court of Justice has been to make judicial decisions that legalise buggery, same-sex marriage, gender identity, transgender relationships, and abortion, which are all against the judicial decisions that the Eternal Father has made.
On the other hand, the U.K. Privy Council judges strictly by a country’s constitution and does not try to introduce any sexual practices that are outside of that country’s constitution, even though in the U.K., their constitution and laws support sexual practices that are different from God’s Word. However, the U.K. Judges do not use their own constitution or their own laws to make judicial decisions for an outside country; but they use that outside country’s constitution, and provided that outside country’s constitution’s laws are based on God’s Word, then the U.K. Privy Council will make judicial decisions that are in keeping with this outside country’s constitution and therefore in agreement with God’s Word.
Therefore, I am calling on the Constitutional Reform Committee to: (1) Do not change any laws in the Constitution of Jamaica, which are based on the Word of God; and (2) Do not make the Caribbean Court of Justice the court of final appeal, but remain with the U.K. Privy Council.
I am,
Joseph Buckland.