I had just finished sharing about the goodness of God with a group of vendors when I decided to purchase a big, juicy-looking “sugar” pineapple from one of them. After paying him, he wrapped it in a plastic bag and handed it to me. I then went into a nearby wholesale store to purchase some items and rested the pine on the counter so I could take out the money from my purse.
I collected my change and the items I bought and headed out of the store. It was after walking back to my car (a far distance away from the wholesale) that I realised I had left my lovely pine behind.
And then the conflict began. In my finite mind, I began to count my losses and perish the thought of eating my “sugar pine”, as someone must have taken it. But then I felt overwhelmed by a presence that I knew had to be God. I began to think about the spirit-filled praise session I had with the group of vendors right there on the sidewalk in downtown Kingston. I was telling them that once you have God’s favour, He promises never to leave or forsake you and takes care of even the little details of your life. It was then that I decided to go back for the pine. And there it was, well protected on the inside counter of the store.
The Chinese cashier could not tell me who put it there, neither could the young lady who served me, but when I asked for it, they handed it to me without dispute. I worshipped and praised the Omnipotent God all the way back to my car.
But there was a carry-forward! The following day at work, my co-worker realised that he had left his two phones on the top of his vehicle and driven all of 3 kilometres back to work. One of the phones was still on the car top, just about to fall off, but one was missing! Then I remembered my experience and told him about it. I felt the afflatus of the Spirit as I reassured him that the grace of God would allow him to get back the lost phone!
Yes indeed! God showed up again! Some honest person had found my coworker’s phone, and it was returned to him.
It is good to trust and love God, obey His commands, and live gloriously in His presence.