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The Prophetic Word of the Lord for 2025/5785 Onward

The following is the prophetic word from the Lord as released through His servants Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet Onesto Jolly.


5785/2025 is the Year of Heh/Hei (ה) – the Year of the Manifestation of the Breath of God.  Heh/Hei (ה) is the 5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet numerically.  The Lord says during this Decade of Pei (The Decade of the Mouth of God) this 2025 is the year that we will see the manifestation of what God has spoken over, on every level and in every sector. It is in this year that we will recognize that the Lord God Omnipotent reigns.

2025/5785 – is the Year of the Breath of God – 5780 began the Decade of the Mouth of God, and from the mouth of God much has been and will be released.  His ruach with which He created the earth was also the same breath with which He breathed life into man.  Ruach is the Hebrew word used in scripture for the breath of God. It is wind, Spirit, life. It’s not so much a physical force but an essence—God’s essence that sustains life. It’s sometimes also translated as Spirit of God, such as in Genesis chapter 1.  The Breath of God is blowing into the earth.  He is using this opportunity to remind man that with His breath, new life will be breathed again into us so that we have the opportunity also for a fresh start to get things right in our lives and for the manifestation and glory of God to come forth in our lives that others may be won to Him.  The Body of Christ as a whole must clean up their act. God is also giving grace to any in politics and business. This is the year we must pay keen attention to His instructions and ensure we follow them well.


2025/5785 – is the year of God’s Grace upon mankind, so He is giving mankind a final opportunity to set things right in our lives, household, church, families, businesses, nations before He makes His move in the earth.  It is the time for us all to align ourselves with the will of God so that His will and our purpose can be fulfilled.  The Lord says He is giving every person the opportunity to align themselves with Him and His will.  He has given every person this year to make things right in His sight concerning their lives and their walk with Him.  He is affording each person the opportunity to come to Him in true repentance and make things right with Him.  He has extended grace also to church leaders at every level, for personal introspection, spiritual alignment/realignment, maintenance/renewal of vows, confession and accountability. In addition to this, the Lord is giving businesses and nations an opportunity to escape th

e coming judgement for the oppression and plundering that have been meted out by them upon the people of the nation, and especially upon His People. Further to this, every person in the Body of Christ – from the leaders at all levels to the congregants, must embrace this opportunity to humbly go before Him and set their house in order, as God is also allowing us the opportunity to receive a fresh release of His favour upon our lives.  This kind and level of His divine favour is not just supernatural, it is uncommon.


2025/5785 – is also The Year of Redemption – He is also extending to the peoples of the nations another opportunity to serve Him in Spirit and Truth, to commit/recommit their lives to Him.  (Look at Malachi 4: 1 – 3).  He is waiting to redeem those who have wandered, those who have lost their way and those who handed themselves over to the devil in exchange for tangible wealth and positions of influence, leadership and authority.  He is ready and willing to buy back those who have sold their souls to the enemy if they are willing to yield to Him through Jesus Christ.  This is also the season where the Lord is warning us to execute Ephesians 5:16.  We must function in the wisdom of God, putting Him first in all things, and being careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences.  Time is of the essence, and as such we can’t waste it.  The Lord is urging us to be prudent in our daily lives and ensure that we count the cost of all we do individually and collectively, as ultimately everyone is impacted by our decision-making.


2025/5785 – is also The Year of Divine Revelation and Great Spiritual Outpouring – The Lord, by the Power of His Holy Spirit will be revealing truth and releasing many divine revelations to those who earnestly and with a pure heart and right motives seek after Him.  These revelations are going to be life changing and has the potential to change the trajectory of your whole life.  However, the devil will also try to come with his tactics to create doubt and confusion.  The Lord says, “Many things seems to have either slowed down or have come to a halt in your lives; the resources you have had seems to have trickled down; but I have been faithful and I will always be.  Stand in me and you will see My promises to you spring forth.”  What will help us all to rise above that “noise” is our relationship with

God through Christ Jesus and the level of our discernment. This is about an outpouring from the Spirit of God and upon the earth. God opened the door for us in the realm of the spirit to walk through and spiritually position ourselves in His presence in this earth so that we can receive the outpouring into our spirits.

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