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Turbulence and disaster ahead!

 The political roller coaster ride has begun and it will be a tumultuous and treacherous one characterized by shocks measuring more than a 9.0 magnitude earthquake on the richter scale. There will be sudden and extreme changes which will bring emotions of sadness, desperation, hopelessness, despair, contempt, disgust, anger, shame, grief, disappointments and exhaustion. The roller coaster will be elevated by division, deception, betrayals, manipulation, coercion, victimization, intimidation, depression, destruction and the shattering of lives!

The politicians will be turning on each other as individuals try to advance their own personal agendas,  selfish ambitions and hidden motives!

Cabinet reshuffle, repositioning, re-branding,  promotions and demotions are imminent changes coming! 

The roller coaster will lose some of its wheels and will fall off the rails making the ride more murky and unsettling because of new job offers, voluntary and involuntary resignations, retirements and even instant dismissals.

Some representatives and potential candidates will be asked to step down or step aside for varying reasons:  poor and lacklustre performances, lack of favorability and appeal among the electorate,  under representation, lack of contribution and participation in the parliament (bench warmers and mannequins in parliament and the senate), scandals and tense and adversarial relationship with the leader and key decision- makers. Some will take up job offers globally and regionally!

The roller coaster ride will intensify, bringing about a  constitutional crisis and a myriad of governance issues, breaches, violations and lawsuits! There is history in the making!

Look out for prominent and highly influential persons joining both political parties, specifically the Jamaica Labour Party as it looks to enhance its favorability rating, especially against its poor performance in the recently held Local Government Elections and with Don Anderson polls showing the People’s National Party gaining significant momentum and ahead of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party. 

There are those who are possibly on their way out for various reasons and those who will be subjected to reshuffling and other personnel changes. This is due to, but not limited to the following: new lucrative job offers, scandals, ill-health,  geriatric care, poor representation and under-performance in the constituencies and at other levels, lacklustre and dismal performances, poor showing and bad performance as evidenced in the devastating and failed outcomes and results in the 2024 Local Government Elections,  non-starters, bench warmers, unfavourability, old age, retirement, restructuring and succession planning!

Among those parliamentarians who might be taking the exit lounge including the Prime Minister himself who has angered the Almighty God and who will be impacted by the changes for the various reasons posited above are:

1. Edmund Bartlett ( Ed Bartlett)

2. Horace Chang

3. Robert Chin

4. Delroy Chuck

5. Heroy Clarke

6. Rhoda May Crawford

7. Homer Davis

8. Tameka Davis

9. Babsy Grange

10. Mike Henry

11. Andrew Holness

12. Juliet Holness

13. J. C. Hutchinson

14. Marlene Malahoo Forte

15. Desmond McKenzie 

16. Karl Samuda

17. Matthew Samuda

18. Audley Shaw

19. Dr. Christopher Tufton

20. Everald Warmington

21. Fayval Williams 

22. Frank Witter

23. George Wright

More parliamentary seats may become vacant as a result of deaths of some members, especially those who have been ailing for some time now or who will be paid their wages for their repulsive, iniquitous,  abominable sins and who fail to repent and confess of their evil deeds. “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

There will be more trouble for the Prime Minister as he has little or no control of the changes, disasters and shocks that are coming: environmentally, economically,  legally, fiscally, politically, ecologically, socially, financially and spiritually as Jamaica is up for judgment! 

The PM Andrew Holness has an extremely difficult task ahead that will result in division and conflicts as well as him falling out of favour with many of his  colleagues,  partners, associates,  affiliates, party supporters, members and funders! The relationships, partnerships and friendships will be plagued with commotion, uproar and convulsion as it will not be possible for the Prime Minister and leader of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) to please everyone! The “ship” will lose its sails and it will not be able to propel through the turbulent waters and land safely ashore.  

The Prime Minister is also trapped by those multinational,  multilateral and international agencies who want to advance the Beast system in Jamaica, but whose plans have failed so far in many instances and will be thwarted by God as Jamaica is a diadem in God’s hand. The Body of Christ and remnant army are persistent in prayers, remaining as watchmen in the city and will not allow satan and his agents and emissaries to execute its satanic mandate in our beautiful island. The remnant will remain prayerful, sober, spiritually alert, watchful, discerning and focused. The church of the Living God will take up its rightful place in Jamaica and will rise up and wise up! The church has an asymmetrical plan and will saturate the seven pillars of this nation, advancing righteousness and holiness. We will not relent! We will persist, being resolute, emboldened in Jesus Christ, our King, Lord and Saviour , bold like lions in Christ preaching Christ,  proclaiming the Gospel and declaring the works of the Lord. 

Notably also, is that failure on the part of the Prime Minister to fulfill the demands of the globalists and satanists will see them coming against him and using their power and resources to usher him out of parliament and from the  leadership position of the nation. I want to reinforce that evil has no loyalty and so no amount of allegiance to the devil will save anyone ! Satan loves no one and his only mission is to kill, steal and destroy!

This administration has entered into many evil covenants, contracts and agreements to include the Samoa Agreement and have sold out the nation to the highest bidder thus opening up spiritual gateways, casting spells and bringing curses to the nation. The Lord shall pour out his wrath upon them and the rough and disastrous roller coaster ride will be never ending until they repent and confess and obey God’s rule!

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