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Walk worthy of the vocation for which you were called

Do you know the call of God upon your life? Do you know the purpose for which you have been called to walk along this journey of faith? We have been called to walk, talk, look, and live like Christ. How do we do that?

Learning the doctrines of our faith as expounded in the Bible is quite important if we intend to execute victorious lives in Christ Jesus and become Godly ambassadors of His glorious call. Our beliefs ought to be rooted in those doctrines that we may exercise them during this journey of faith. The only way we can follow in Christ Jesus’ footsteps is if we allow His Spirit to lead, guide, and direct our daily paths.

No other Spirt or doctrine will lead us along the straight and the narrow path that leads to Christ. Only the Word of God shall be made life unto our souls as we allow the Spirit of the LORD to unveil His revelation before our very eyes and within our hearts and minds.

It is crucial that we allow our lifestyles to bear witness of those Godly doctrines, for this signifies our growth and maturation in the ways of the LORD. Although we are in this world, we are not of this world (John 17). We are pilgrims and strangers who are of the household of God, called out of darkness and into God’s marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9).

We must remain in fellowship with Him through His Spirit and His Word daily, so that we do not become malnourished and deficient in our growth. The LORD wants to do a work in us and with us, developing us not just spiritually but physically, emotionally, financially, intellectually, etcetera.

We must allow the transforming power of the Holy Ghost to correct, purify, and renew our minds so that no force of darkness can blind our eyes or steal our souls and our destinies in Christ Jesus.


It is essential that we guard our hearts from all the lies and deceptions of the enemy and not entertain any teachings that go against the Word of the LORD, which are all fallacies. We have been given the Holy Ghost to teach us all things along this journey of faith. It’s full time for us to embrace fellowship with God through prayer and fasting, praise and worship, Bible study, and quiet devotion with Him.

It is not the will of God for us to create our own allegory of this faith journey with Him either. We have not been called by our own faith. We have not been saved by our own grace. We were not placed here on earth to walk this journey of faith in our own strength or by our own rules.

We were called to live a life that is pleasing in God’s sight, not by conforming to this world but by being transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God for our lives (Romans 12:2). We must walk circumspectly so that we do not fall short of God’s glory and dwell in lifestyles of unrighteousness. Remember, our own righteousness is like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6).

Let’s make it our duty to deny ourselves, crucify our flesh daily, and take up our cross as we follow after the precepts of the Word of the LORD in all our endeavours, so that we may walk worthy of the vocation for which we were called.

Taneisha Williams says that although she was away from her home church in Kingston, Jamaica for a while, this never affected her calling as a Prayer Warrior and True Worshipper. “Take the Name of Jesus with you,” is her constant plea to the Bride of Christ.

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