We will not be silenced!

It is full time we call a spade a spade. It was not an accident that the LGBTQI community determined that gay pride month should coincide with the start of the hurricane season. They knew that the gay lifestyle was a devastating Category 5 hurricane lashing against the very root and shoot of the human population. And they wanted the world to know.

As gale-force winds snap the trunks of towering oak trees, transform roofs into airborne missiles, pummel hillsides, and cast down power lines, homosexuality is a raging and ravaging rebellion against the divine creation. Its expressed mission is to cull the proliferation of human life and eliminate the Holy Spirit from the earth. Satan takes pride in stealing, killing, and destroying for his own lust. He targets governments, global agencies, and the powerfully positioned, enticing them to champion his rebellion, parade his dictates, and eventually bow at his feet.

Governments that are caught in the Satanic death trap willingly fork out billions of tax dollars that should be available to help the most vulnerable in their societies, and to dignify, celebrate, and ensure the promotion and preservation of the LBGTQI riot.

They have indoctrinated millions to believe that those who speak Biblical truths against their reprobate behaviour deserve to be silenced, labelled bigots, hateful, and criminals, and must be spectacularly imprisoned. 

These reprobates have banded together like an oppressed race, demanding protection. They have branded their insurrection against heaven as human rights and have won the support of powerful Satanic pawns strategically positioned in governments and local and international courts of justice to enact laws on their behalf.

Silencing the Church was a lifelong dream until COVID when it was finally realised. The enemy knows that the Church of the Living God was given a power-packed voice when it was birthed: Go ye therefore in all the world and preach. The Church is equipped to speak against the kingdom of darkness, push back atrocities, tear down spiritual wickedness, break the backs of oppressive regimes, and disband hostile policies and operations. Satan has for centuries created divisions in the Church, infiltrating, corrupting, and compromising pulpits and pews with his wickedness. A weakened and divided Church speaks in splinters, and without its entrusted force of unity, it allows Satan and his minions to advance. 

It is under these circumstances that the Jamaican government felt safe enough to mouth the ill-advised idea of hate speech laws and the introduction of regulations to stop fake news on social media. Know this: where all and sundry, including Christians, have enjoyed full and largely free social media access, curtailing freedom of speech on social media is about reducing the voice that speaks against unrighteousness. So when speaking out becomes criminalised, it is a deliberate affront against the very essence of freedom and the audacity to oppose wickedness. It is an attempt to shut down the mighty weapon against darkness used by God Himself and given to His people. If at no other time, right now it should be crystal clear to the Church that silencing God is the ultimate goal.

From all appearances, the government in Jamaica has been duped, due to its undying love of money, to join Satan on his frolic to ultimate damnation. If it continues to facilitate the promoters of evil, there will be no blessing to pass down to the third and fourth-generation Jamaicans, as there will be no third or fourth generations.

Silencing opposing voices is the way of tyrants and autocrats, where dissidents are labelled as enemies of the state as they pose a real and present danger to the proliferation of dark deeds. Silencing the righteous makes way for continued corruption and the subjugation of the truth. It is also the last signpost to the arrival of death. 

We have reached a dangerous place when societies that are usually celebrated as bastions of freedom, champions of free speech, and upholding the highest democratic ideals can begin to talk about curtailing free expression. We are on the brink of seeing people arrested and imprisoned for their utterances. We saw it during the COVID pandemic. Pastors in Canada have been jailed for preaching in the streets. Praying in a public space can attract police sanctions in the United Kingdom, and most recently, speaking out against the ungodly homosexual agenda can earn one prison time in Brazil. It is promising to get worse in the years ahead. 

Also emerging in the melee is the suggestion that parents, too, are to be silenced. Prime Minister Andrew Holness made it clear recently that schools must be the place where children learn discipline, ignoring the primary role and function of the home. In a tirade, while addressing young party faithfuls in St. Ann, the prime minister gave the impression that the education system holds the primary responsibility for children. Our schools have not only become unsafe zones in many instances, but there is also a steady and deliberate reduction in Christian education and devotions and intensified exposure to cringe-worthy lifestyles. Our children are also being indoctrinated through social media, apps, and chatbots, circumventing parents and guardians and infiltrating the minds of the innocent with the Satanic agenda.

In recent years, the intensified attack against societies that are choosing righteous rule has been unprecedented. Reprobate armies have been unleashed across nations, with an eagle-eyed focus on children. Amnesty International, a global movement of more than 10 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights, has moved to the battlefront, pushing the unrighteous agenda and defending reprobate rights. They are supported by the United Nations and its related agencies, UNICEF, the European Union, the United States, Canada, and others.

Many secular governments and sector leaders have been bamboozled into thinking that this wrong is right and have been pulled into the deceptive demonic system, carrying populations with them. Regardless of how things may seem, Jamaicans are firm in their right to resist unrighteousness, whether or not these are cast in stone or secretly signed and sealed by the government.

The enemy sees the silencing of the many churches in Jamaica as a windfall, one of his greatest accomplishments, which suits his well-established mission to swallow up the final frontier of righteousness. He will learn soon enough that Jamaica is a diadem in the hand of the Almighty God. We will not bow to Baal, and our children will not be taken. Neither money, global power, nor anything whatsoever will stand against God in this land. Raise the banner; signal righteous resistance. See the prayers rising.
