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Wealth Building through hard work


By Darren Brown

Luke 16:10-12 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?  And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?

Regardless of what you consider wealth to be, you need to be aware of the varying ways of building it. Here are  some additional ways of building wealth:

Invest in Your Education

Another way that you might be able to make more is to invest in your education. This could be getting your first degree, getting a Masters, or getting a specialised designation such as ACCA or CFA. Certification or having a special designation will set you apart from the competition and make you more attractive for the professional work environment, if that is your choice.

Work Hard Now

Thinking back to how I was able to advance my career, I remember that when I was a trainee at a prominent organisation, I worked significant hours a week and was at work on time, dressed, and ready to impress. As a new kid on the block, there were some tasks which in my head, I was saying, I am a “university graduate,” why should I be doing this? I humbled myself and did everything that was asked of me and above. My work ethic and drive spoke for themselves. That posture elevated me in the organisation and subsequently was an attractive trait that was observed by other organisations that subsequently hired my services.

If you have a job, even though you might not like it, give it everything that you’ve got. Treat the company that you work for as if you owned it. Imagine, then, that you’re the CEO. How would you approach your daily duties differently if more were on the line?

It’s sometimes difficult to find great opportunities. I recommend that you focus on working hard. People around you will start to take notice, and you will find doors of opportunity opening for you in accordance with the will of God for your life.

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