What Does It Really Mean To Be Saved?

This is my life story in a nutshell: I went from being religious, to being steeped in sin, to actually being saved.

It’s vital that we are sure that the Spirit of God is in us so that we are kept from being deceived and operating in a religious spirit, which robs us of true peace with God and is eternally punishable by Him. Believing in Jesus’ existence and power, church attendance/involvement, being associated with Christian families or friends, and even water baptism in and of themselves, do not fulfil the righteousness of God. We must be filled with the Spirit of God (Spiritual Baptism) and He bears witness that we are His children (Rom 8:9, 8:16). Until this happens, one is void of the power to live a truly victorious Christian life (John 1:12-13)THE ARTICULATION OF SALVATIONSalvation is not merely having our sins pardoned but God removing sin from us (John 1:29, Rom 6:6). It is a regeneration and preservation of your entire being—body, soul, and spirit—in God (1 Thess 5:23–24). One is literally made new by this experience, which is why it is referred to as being “born-again.” It is also the means by which God reconciles us to Himself by making us one with Him (2 Cor 5:17–18, 1 Cor 6:17). How profound is that?Would you agree that God is holy and sinless? Can you then picture Him dwelling in human vessels that are still bound and unclean due to the corruption of sin? No way! This is why He has to cleanse us completely and not only clean us up but also give us His divine nature (2 Peter 1:3–4), the same that was in Jesus Christ, the first son of God. In partaking of this divine nature, we become sons of God, too. This must happen since we were born with a sinful nature (Rom 5:12). Naturally, we could not please God, no matter how hard we tried; we were simply children of disobedience. We were ruled by sin and couldn’t help but obey Satan’s dictates one way or another. If we are naturally born in such a state, it would therefore be unreasonable for God to expect us to please Him. Considering this, He made a way, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, for us to live holy or set apart for His righteous purposes (Rom 5:17–19). When we receive this sacrifice, He frees us from the bondage of sin and adopts us by His Holy Spirit, Who installs His divine nature in us. I used to think that being a Christian meant simply believing in God’s existence, trying your best to live Godly, yet never being able to overcome sin, while hoping that somehow He will receive you at the end of life. Quite the contrary! Where is the blessed assurance in that?It’s this erroneous perspective that deters many from coming to God. They realize their helpless state and (even delight) as it pertains to sinning. They think they have to overcome it, by self-will, before becoming a Christian, and not only that, but they also have to keep themselves accordingly.The “good news,” as declared by God’s Word, says that if we humble ourselves and truly repent of our sins, we will be cleansed of sin by the blood of Jesus Christ. It also says that He makes us His by putting His Spirit in us; causing us to have a true relationship with Him (Eze 36:25–28, Eph 2:13,18-19). When we truly surrender to God, it will not be our own human will/strength but His Spirit that empowers us to truly love Him by living in complete obedience to Him (Phil 2:13). Now, we know that is impossible for a mere human. However, for those who are born again, they are spiritual because God lives in them, and with Him all things are possible. He cannot fail! If you rely on Him, then neither will you. All things are possible to them who believe.Do you believe? Do you want power to live in unhindered fellowship with God and be confident of your end? If you are certain that you have been filled with His Spirit because you see the character of Jesus Christ/the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22–23) manifested in your life, kudos! Continue living Spirit-filled!However, if you are unsure, begin to seek Him for His Spirit. Trust me, you need Him! Kimoy Callum is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry. Contact Passion and Purity at freedomcomerain@gmail.com
