Whipping up weapons for war

War against righteousness is being waged on all fronts, across all nations, and intensifying by the hour. 

The enemy is rife, seeking whomever he may devour. If not by bombs and bullets, he will do it by road and air mishaps, diseases, domestic violence, or even freak accidents in one’s own backyard. By any means necessary, he will maim, impair, and immobilise. Thousands of unborn babies, through abortion, meet their untimely demise at the hands of their mothers in partnership with the wretched. 

Satan has engaged his emissaries in governments, the security forces, and public and private institutions to carry out his dastard deeds to prevent righteousness from advancing in the earth.

Scientists are not to be left out. Many, in secret laboratories across the globe, have logged into the Satanic mission, pushing against the planks of righteousness in their frantic search for solutions to debilitating diseases. They manipulate age-old germs and viruses, like the common cold, transforming them into deadly weapons of mass destruction for swift and sudden launch against unsuspecting nations. 

These scientists have been diligently isolating non-threatening components of these everyday viruses, bolstering them with muscular power, and making them into deadly terminal infections through a process called gain-of-function mutations. Their aim is to cause these viruses to behave with Hulk-like anger and Terminator energy and use them to murder millions at a time and destabilise large numbers of nations in one blow.

Recently, some scientists in the United States were turning puppalicks over their so-called groundbreaking outdoor test of a technology they designed to brighten clouds and reflect some of the sun’s rays back into space. They claimed that this advancing technology offers a temporary solution to the planet’s escalating temperatures.

These scientists, with their man-made device, were trying to see if they could consistently shoot a precise amount of salt aerosols into the open environment and potentially change the cloud composition above the earth’s oceans.

Currently, also in the US, federal health officials are ramping up efforts to combat what they claim is the growing threat of H5N1 bird flu. While the verdict is still out as to the true origins of bird flu, these scientists are advancing plans to produce 4.8 million vaccine doses and increase influenza surveillance across that country. It is acceptable practice for these scientists to burn billions of dollars experimenting with viruses of all kinds, then turn around to manufacture vaccines and boost a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry in a fight against their own mutations.

Be sure of this: one of the main motives behind these experiments is to weaponise illnesses as part of the contemporary, high-capacity arsenal for future wars. Armies will not just battle with bullets and bombs; they will also bring to bear the control and manipulation of communications technology, viral infections, and diseases, and engage nuclear emissions and warheads from undisclosed locations across the world.

King Solomon, who is celebrated as the wisest of men, recommends that all research on the divine creation must be led by Godly wisdom, sanctioned by sovereign authority, and dependent on divine revelations, not by manipulation for the sake of harnessing and corralling control over global health or natural resources, seeking technological and financial dominance, gaining international advantage, or the taking of territories.

The eternal existence and absolute power of the sovereign God are lost as these researchers cling to their very fluid and ever-changing ideas. Their conclusions are based on their experiments, findings, claims, and new discoveries.

While there is a place for scientific explorations and experiments, it is wise and highly recommended that researchers seek out and search out all that is done under heaven under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Leaning on their own limited understanding, modern scientists assume that they know more than God and hold a right to divine powers not given to them by Kingdom Authority.

The Scriptures describe those who deny the existence of God as fools. Strange that so many nations, in the midst of a crisis, would choose to ignore the power of God, place their trust in ‘fools,’ and wholeheartedly follow their instructions. 

We are told that another plandemic is up yonder. Who will the nations trust the next time around? Your guess is as good as mine…
