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Who will stand for God?

Like children ahead of a team game, the nations are picking sides. They are joining forces, forging alliances, building socio-economic and political blocs, and shaking hands in partnerships to expand and sure-up their power base, military might, wealth, and critical resources ahead of the much anticipated one-world rule.

Many countries have placed their trust in the old or emerging blocs, engaging in cold wars for the control of territories and currencies. 

All eyes are on the newly elected British Prime Minister, Sir Kier Starmer. Starmer, who is from a distinctly working-class family, is married to Victoria, a Jew. On his way to Downing Street, he pledged his support for the church in the UK. It is anyone’s guess as to what that support will entail, in light of the fact that while there was Brexit, Britain remains on the blurry fringes of the ungovernable coalition called the European Union. 

Last week, voters in France cast ballots in the second round of a snap election called by President Emmanuel Macron, who risks losing swaths of his centrist allies in parliament and being forced to see out the remaining three years of his presidential term in an awkward partnership with the far right. Macron is a supporter of the reprobate lifestyle and leans towards an anti-Christian ideology.

In Canada, the tide is turning against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In late June, Trudeau’s party lost a by-election for a seat the party had held for nearly three decades, foreshadowing what pundits say could portend the collapse of the party’s stronghold in Canada’s most populous city.

The loss has prompted soul-searching within the Liberal Party and renewed calls for a leadership change. Trudeau also has a leftist worldview.

The United States will also go to the polls come November. Donald Trump, laden with legal woes, is seeking his second hold on the presidency against his equally-aged incumbent, Joe Biden. The winner in the wings appears to be Vice President Kamala Harris. Regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, the United States will continue on its global mission to advance its ungodly agenda across the globe.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping met at a summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, last week, where Xi indicated his support for Russia on the subject of its full-scale war on Ukraine, saying on the sidelines of the summit that China “has always stood on the right side of history.” Both China and Russia have been moving to strengthen their links in the region on the back door of their foe in common, the US.

Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness has had a number of meetings with the head of the United Nations; he has visited Israel and made several trips to Washington. But nearly every time that he faces a microphone, the United Nations’ expressed agenda pops from his lips.

The company leaders’ keep will demonstrate their positions and intentions. Who, if any, will stand for righteousness?

Partnering with the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and their underlings, many world leaders have rejected God and embraced the beast. 

The thought of global power concentrated in the hands of a few greedy men excites those who are positioned to take full advantage of the world’s resources, corrupt heads of developing nations, and their clueless populations. 

Trillions of dollars and tonnes of natural resources are available to blind the eyes of fools in governments who line up to feather their own private nests, regardless of the costs to the populations they lead.

It is not difficult to identify the leaders in the church, government, or private sector who have already sold their souls to the beast.

Like the foolish virgins, so many in the church have run out of oil, and their lamps have given up their final flicker. In mad desperation, the foolish virgins abandoned the wedding party and missed the arrival of the bridegroom, who came while they were on their feverish search to rekindle their darkened lamps. 

Having become fodder for the Beast, these church leaders carry the appearance of light, but they take their instructions from the forces of darkness and are wedded to the idea that everyone else must comply with their waywardness.

The Satanic end-time rule will present a centralised management system for food in order to fight famines and advance femininity and transgenderism as fixes for issues of inequity. The world’s version of stability will promote, legalise, and embrace tolerance of multi-religions, cultures, lifestyles, and practices that are detestable to God.

Only leaders who are chosen by God and who are submitted to the leading of His Holy Spirit will stand against the massive push, coercion, and allure of the beast and its mad-money appeal.

The one-world government is being facilitated through the activation of a global numbering system that many nations are currently trying to enforce. This system in each country seeks to give each individual a unique number that is not replicated in any other country in the world. This unique number will be the identifying mechanism, replacing the need for birth certificates, passports, and every other form of hardcopy identification. For Jamaica’s part in this global system, the National Identification System (NIDS) will interface with the international operations. 

In 2017, former General Manager, of the Caribbean Country Department, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Therese Turner-Jones, told a press conference that the National Identification System (NIDS) would lay the foundation for Jamaica to become a digital economy.

The digital economy is the worldwide network of economic activities, commercial transactions, and professional interactions that are enabled by information and communications technology (ICT).

When a nation goes cashless, it allows for the use of digital currency, which can cross borders through unseen banking processes and place control of personal resources in the hands of governments. This is the objective of the beast.

Unrighteous men, under the auspices of Satan, will propose and accept solutions to what they read as global instabilities, including wars, robberies, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, pestilence, and pandemics, without understanding that they have earned the wrath of God and that the only way out is repentance.

The hunger for peace and the cry for normalcy around the world will provide the perfect platform for the beast to convincingly unleash its central control objective in order to quell the unbearable global discontent.

Satan will use the one-world government to promote tolerance of reprobate lifestyles and the worship of multiple gods, climate change, carbon emission damage, and man-made notions of peace and safety. Usually, well-thinking minds will be convinced to comply with the beast and its rules. If it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived.

The people of God who have been chosen and equipped to stand against the wiles of the enemy will be firm in their resistance, regardless of the consequences. Do not budge an inch. Know full well that light cannot partner with darkness, and be guided accordingly. There is only one choice, and that is Christ and eternal life. 

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