Why am I not growing?

Have you ever wondered why you are not growing as a Christian? It’s likely to be because there is something in your life that you hold dear to your heart that you need to sacrifice—your ‘flesh.’ (Galatians 5:16-17)

We are not fulfilling the call of God on our lives because we refuse to cleanse our hearts from those ungodly desires that so easily beset us, which, since they have been left unchecked, are creating havoc in our hearts and causing us to stumble in a way that our character and integrity in the Body of Christ are becoming questionable. For some, intervention like deliverance is needed to help us overcome these desires.

When we give our lives to the LORD, the weaknesses we had as sinners do not automatically vanish into thin air. They travel with us into Christendom, and unless we confess and ask God to purge us of them, we will forever remain in bondage and susceptible to the plans of the enemy.


Many of us are gifted but are still not operating under the mantle that the LORD has placed on our lives. So, we have the weapons, but we are not fuelled with the authority of the Word of God nor the power of the Holy Ghost to use them to get God-given results. (Acts 1:8)

Our flesh must be put under subjection to the Holy Spirit of God in order for us to get to the next level. Let us stop allowing our flesh to feed our minds and our emotions and cause us to grow out of alignment with the will of God for our lives. (John 15:1-7)


One who is driven by the flesh becomes entangled in yokes of bondages that blur their vision and hinder their God-given potential from being maximized. Thus, we are deterred from becoming Mighty Men of Valour and Women of Excellence—the individuals of greatness we have been called to become. (1Samuel 13:1-23)

When we walk in the flesh, we will find it hard to live the Christian life. We will be falling short of the glory of God, constantly struggling to stay pure, holy, and blameless before Him. We will not be able to abide within His presence daily. Finally, we will have no form of peace, stability, or godly direction. (2 Samuel 11:1-27)

Although we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity and were accustomed to enticing our souls with the desires of the flesh, we must learn to cast our cares upon the LORD so that He can break off from us those yokes of bondages, untangling us from sin’s snares that have wired us to become self-driven and not Spirit-driven. (Matthew 11:28-30)


The goal is for us to become strong in the LORD and in the power of His might as we grow in grace and mature in the faith to fulfil our God-given potential. When we become fortified in God, we will operate under the anointing that the LORD has placed on our lives, be promoted into our destinies, and inherit the promise He has earmarked for us. We will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. We will cast out demons. If we drink any deadly thing, it will not harm us, and our enemies will never be able to defeat us. (Mark 16:15-18)

Taneisha Williams says whether she is at church, home, work, or on vacation, she’s always on call as a Prayer Warrior and a True Worshipper.
