Why, God? Why?!

Sad African American female with tears rolling down her face

By Dr Arlene Rose-Lewis

We ask ourselves this question when someone dies after we pray our hearts out: He or she was such a good person,” we say.
“A Christian should not really Get sick; after all, our God fights for us, doesn’t He?
Consider this: if you get a brand-new car, you will see that the user guide will tell you exactly what type of gas to put into the tank and what type of oil goes where.
We get precise instructions for optimal use of the car to allow us to have a well-running car for a long time.

Genesis 2 says that “man is a living soul,” which would liken the inner workings of the soul to the engine of a car.  says that “man is a living soul,” which would liken the inner workings of the soul to the engine of a car. In my opinion, the best user guide for our bodies is the Word of God. Here’s why: drugs keep being recalled daily, but the Bible doesn’t change; the truth remains.

Official medical associations have confirmed that stress is one of the main triggers in disease causation. What our souls go through is expressed by our bodies. We see wonderful people who are tired of life or going through a lot emotionally become ill and die.

We see the effects of forsaking the instructions, “Do not let the sun go down on your anger,” at the root of many diseases. I recall standing at the bedside of a woman suffering from cancer. As we spoke about her particular stressor and the concept of letting go, she rebutted, “You don’t know what he did to me; I can’t let that go.” Sadly, this good person didn’t make it.

In another situation, an elderly lady’s best friend asked her to move out of her house because her daughter was returning home and needed the room. Broken-hearted and displaced, sickness came on like a bandit from the weight of rejection. The elderly woman couldn’t find the inner strength to understand, release her friend, and find a new reason for living, even though she was able to move back into her own place. She too died soon afterwards, despite many prayers. “What is in the heart defiles a man,” indeed.

I recall walking through a cancer treatment ward during my studies overseas. I decided to test a theory. I asked each patient what was happening in their lives just prior to their diagnosis. In the end, I had a clipboard full of information describing many different forms of stress: abandonment, rejection, fear, strife, disappointment, feeling unwanted, and many more negative triggers.

I recall the words of Jesus, “My peace I give you”, “Be anxious for nothing”, and “Forgive seventy times seven.” There are so many other instructions, but the bottom line is that the human body thrives when it operates with a soul that is peaceful, hopeful, merry-hearted, and unconditionally loving of neighbours, of oneself, and of God.
We seem to have forgotten that we were created to thrive and live a blessed life, yet we settle into a life of struggling to survive instead.

We know too that “it shall be done unto us as we believe,” and we choose to become consumed with fear of diseases like cancer and diabetes, which we then attract.

The world has changed, yet the truth remains, and ‘the car’ still needs the right kind of fuel that is best for it. We don’t need to be victims. We just need to get our souls back in order with expectancy, align once more with Truth from the Word, and welcome our health and abundance back into our lives.

Let us no longer ask questions like “Why God? Why?”

Instead, deep dive into the Word, examine our lives, and see how far we ourselves have departed from how we were created to function. Why don’t we do that today and give ourselves a fighting chance in life?


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Dr. Arlene Rose specialises in aesthetic dermatology and medical weight-loss procedures. Her books: Faith, Medicine, and Miracles: A doctor’s Journey into Supernatural Healing; Stop Fighting and Let Me Heal You; and Healing Now are available on Amazon.

Contact: drarlenerose@gmail.com

Nadine Harris: