Why Sports Are Important For Students

By Destiny Morrison

I would like to highlight the incredible significance of sporting activities for students and why they are indispensable to their development.

Sports aren’t just about games; they’re about shaping the future of our students. Here’s why:

First, sports teach students discipline and time management. Juggling academics with training schedules instill a sense of organization that’s crucial throughout life.

Second, teamwork is a cornerstone of sports. Through team sports, students learn to collaborate, communicate, and support their peers, skills they’ll carry into their professional and personal lives.

Furthermore, sports promote physical fitness and well-being. In an era where sedentary lifestyles are on the rise, engaging in sports helps combat health issues like obesity and cardiovascular diseases, encouraging a healthier way of life.

Stress management is another vital advantage. The pressure of academics can be overwhelming. Sports provide an outlet for students to release stress, improve mental health, and build resilience.

Sports also impart life lessons like perseverance and determination. Victory and defeat in sports prepare students to handle successes and failures in other aspects of life with grace and resilience.

Finally, sports can open doors to educational opportunities. Talented student-athletes often earn scholarships and admissions to prestigious institutions, offering a life-changing chance for those who might not have access to higher education otherwise.

Sporting activities in school are crucial. They help students grow, stay healthy, manage stress, and prepare for life’s challenges. Let’s continue to support and encourage sports in our educational institutions, as they play a vital role in shaping our future leaders. 


I wrote this article for a competition at the school I attend – Salvation Army School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Children. I used the local Boys and Girls Championships in Jamaica as a guide as I have observed that many students progress from there to turn their gifts for sports into professional careers for themselves. 

I also used my own experience from participating in sports because I play cricket and am getting ready to do track and field.

Destiny Morrison is one of Freedom Come Rain’s earliest writers (from she was age 12). 
