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Write for us

Put your writing skill to work!

Freedom Come Rain welcomes news stories, personality features and opinion articles.  If you would like to contribute to this publication, please send your work to

You can also volunteer as a writer. Just send us an email detailing your interest.

Below, please find the guidelines for the submission process.

Topics We Cover

We are a Christian publication, therefore content should be written from a Judeo-Christian perspective. We are seeking stories on churches and persons living in Jamaica, the Caribbean and the Diaspora. Content should be clear, compelling and fall into one of the following categories. 

  1. Church outreach projects
  2. Married couples 
  3. Senior citizens
  4. Christian youths
  5. Pastor or minister feature
  6. Gospel artiste
  7. Entertainment News
  8. Church related News
  9. Commentaries from a Christian perspective
  10. Business or finance news
  11. Sports
  12. Christian families
  13. Testimonies
  14. Human Interest features

Important notes

  1. Editors do reserve the right to reject or make minor edits to articles.
  2. Quality images and videos are encouraged. Images should be sent as an attachment.
  3. Stories should be original. If article was published elsewhere, please indicate this. 
  4. Please do not violate copyright when using images. Give credit where applicable.
  5. The ideal length for stories is between 400-600 words.
  6. Stories should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document
  7. To assist in fact-checking and aid in transparency, please clearly cite the source of  information for news feature and commentaries. 
  8. Please provide a brief bio at the end of your article saying who you are. There is the option for this to be published with the story if requested. Also include your contact number and an email address. 

We are looking forward to your contribution