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Youth month feature: PEACE OF MIND… PIECE OF MIND

While trying to cope with all the newness that comes with this COVID-19 era, often times I’ve found myself saying, “Lord, I would never be able to make it without you.” My reality is that if I didn’t know a God who can do all things, I’d go crazy trying to take care of everything. But it leaves me to consider how others are coping, especially our youths. The world offers them many quick fixes, soothing distractions and attractive solutions. They can literally Google an answer to just about any problem. For some, this is a comforting reality, but for us who know Christ, we want God’s truth to be our answer and we want our youngsters to know Jesus as the only solution. Peace is not found in a Netflix movie or a yoga video.  It’s not in any substance, and as beautiful as Mother Nature is, she is not the giver of peace. Our young people must know that God guarantees peace when we keep our thoughts purposefully fixed on Him.

How can we carve a safe path for our next generation to find peace even during times of chaos?

I pray for the evolution of a culture within Christendom where adults become deliberate about spiritually training the next generation; beginning with someone as close as in their own family. Rather than focussing all our energy on enriching ourselves, I want to encourage us to start sharing our fattened souls with the youth, ensuring that they are well-equipped for the end-time battle that is rapidly intensifying.

A few weeks ago, my niece, Toni-Ann cornered me for a conversation regarding several battles she was facing in her mind. Thoughts about college, social life, traveling, she was just pretty much missing all that was once normal. As she flooded me with questions and concerns, I felt blessed to be able to offer her a piece of my mind.  

I imagine that her questions are not far different from what so many others are asking. So, I pray that as God spoke these answers to us and assured us of His presence and peace; you too will find peace of mind in Jesus Christ at the end of this piece.  

Toni: Auntie, why is it difficult to steady my mind?

That’s because there is a war going on even before things get to your attention. In the unseen realm, there is always a huge competition. Everything wants to make it to the control centre. Your mind is that control centre; everything wants a place there. Whatever makes it to your mind, gets closer to becoming a reality. Even true Christians who have become new creatures in Christ will still experience mind battles as their old self still lingers and fights to have a place in their new life. A choice has to be made as to whom we will allow to win the battle.

Toni: So how do I gain the upper hand?

If you choose to fight by yourself, you will lose. Fight with the help of Jesus Christ and you WILL win. When you accept Jesus, you also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Who is your helper to guide you in all your ways and thoughts. Additionally, you also have a spirit of “Power” and a “Sound Mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). This means you have power to control your mind and the capability to think right and let your good thoughts manifest. The Holy Spirit will help you activate these powers when you commune with Jesus and become one with His spirit. Focusing on Christ and presenting your thoughts to Him put you in the right position to clear out unnecessary thoughts.

Toni: But Auntie, the future is so uncertain. I’m really concerned about it.

Satan is a camouflage, Tony. He tries to show you the outcome of things in advance; but he really doesn’t have a clue what the end of a situation will look like. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end, even unto eternity. He’s all-knowing. He doesn’t confuse you about what the end will look like; instead, He guides you as you TRUST HIM and take each step in the direction He is leading you.

Toni: Can you go back to the Holy Spirit point? Tell me again what becoming one with the Holy Spirit means?

Think about the relationship you have with your friend Marrissa. You’ve spent so much time with her that you’ve gotten to know her very well. You guys know how each other thinks because you’ve created a bond. The same principle applies to becoming one with the Holy Spirit. The more time you spend in the presence of Jesus, talking to Him and feeding on His words as you study the Bible, that’s how you’ll become familiar with His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the voice of Jesus speaking to us. Your faith in Him will grow as you get more familiar and learn to differentiate His voice from all other voices. When we know and believe the Word of God, we will find it easier to come into agreement with what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. It’s like knowing that Siri or Google is navigating you up the right street, so you can just relax and drive. There will be less turmoil concerning decisions because your trust in Jesus allows you to be at peace.

Toni: Peace can be so elusive, though Auntie: it’s here this minute when you’re at church, but the moment you step out…oh boy…it’s shattered to pieces! What really is peace?

It’s freedom from disturbance even in the midst of disturbance, Toni. This means: trusting God so big that every problem seems small in comparison to what you KNOW God can do. Peace is not merely the absence of turmoil. It is having confidence that God is with you in those tumultuous times, just as much as He is with you in the happy times. Faith is a necessary tool, which is required for right thinking and to take hold of peace. Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in Him.

Toni: I love this conversation, my Auntie. It’s really, really good! I understand what you are saying. Let me give you a piece of my mind: There is a battle for a space in my mind because my mind channels things into reality. However, I have full control over what I allow to fill that space. God gave me that power and I have the Holy Spirit to help and guide me. The more time I spend filling up with what Jesus wants in my mind, the less room I’ll have for Satan’s lies and confusions. With more trust in Jesus, I become less worried about things, and of course, that will allow my mind to be at peace.  Am I right? 

That’s it, Toni-Ann! That’s the best “piece of your mind” I’ve ever heard! Now, go in peace in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


Orlease King is author of the book, Making Your Way to God. She can be contacted at 

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