Youth S.O.U.l: Temptations

By Daniel Dodd

Youth S.O.U.L (Youth Spiritually Operating Under the LORD) is a radio programme aired every Friday at 6 p.m. on TBC Radio – 88.3, 88.5, 88.9 fm, as well as via channel 831 on Flow tv.  Previously aired programmes can be found on their Youtube and Instagram pages.

Although designed by youths for youths, the information provided by Youth S.O.U.L is valuable to all ages. The ministry serves as an evangelistic vehicle that unites young people through their love of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and facilitates their growth, while equipping them with the necessary tools to make disciples of their secular counterpart. All this while maintaining a balance of fun, fellowship and a ministry rooted and grounded in the Word of God.

On Friday, February 25, 2022, we examined the topic of “Fighting Temptation”.  Below are the take-away points, and it is our hope that you will be fortified as you read.


We defined temptation as the act of tempting or the state of being tempted or enticed, especially to do evil. That is one definition, but we decided to approach the discussion by first analyzing what it truly means ‘to tempt’. In tracing the meaning, which is to test for weakness, an analogy describing the making of a sword by ancient warriors was used.  In order to strengthen the sword being fashioned, the metal had to be taken through a vigorous process which included repeatedly plunging it into fire (forging), pulling it out, then hammering it.  If the process is not properly done, the sword could break easily when being used by a warrior in battle, and this could end in certain death.  

In forging, the sword-smith would heat the sword in the fire until it got bright red and he could see its inside. If black spots were observed, this meant that the molecules were spread too far apart which would result in a weak area in the sword.  Any black mark required continuous beating with a hammer on an anvil until it disappeared, and there were no more weaknesses within the weapon.  The sword would then be tempered, so that it could withstand bending without breaking.


Youth S.O.U.L likened this vigorous heating, hammering and tempering process to our being tested by life’s trials poking at our weakness. Temptation should not be perceived as just being evil; rather, it sometimes comes to shed light on our shortcomings and allows us to be strengthened wherever blemishes are seen.  It is God who permits us to be tempted in order that we might be made stronger in our walk as Believers.  However, He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13), because He knows our breaking point.  

In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus Himself was tempted by the devil, despite being led by the Holy Spirit.  Jesus underwent this temptation to show His Disciples the posture to assume when they would later face their own watershed moment.


The LORD will carry us through the temptation process to strengthen us, though the Adversary will try to exploit our weakness to fall into sin. With every temptation, God furnishes us with a loophole that will lead to safety (1 Cor. 10:13); but often times we fail (sometimes deliberately) to recognize and use the escape route provided.  Little wonder then that in James 1:13 KJV, we are thusly admonished, “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.” Further, if God is the one tempting us, why then would He also provide a way of escape?


Here are a few Bible verses to strengthen you whenever you are going through the refining fire of temptation: Matthew 26:41, Mark7:20-23, Luke 4:1-2, Ephesians 6:13, and 1 Corinthians 10:13.  The main conclusion to be drawn from these scriptures is that human beings’ reliance on mere will to overcome temptation is not sustainable.  We need to know and apply God’s Word (the sword), and put on the full amour provided by the Holy Spirit. Only through total reliance on God’s strength, and seeking after His wisdom, can we truly resist temptation.  


1.      Identify your temptation

2.      Pray about your temptation

3.      Avoid situations that you know will cause you to slip

4.      Have an accountability partner system in place

5.      Use the Bible as your inspiration

6.      Speak the Word of God for reinforcement

7.      Objectively consider your alternatives

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Nadine Harris: