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A Clarion Call To The People Of God

Dear Editor,

It is no surprise that the world is experiencing such a turn of events. The verse Romans 8:22 comes to mind, when it says “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now“.

The Clarion call has gone out. It is an urgent call to us, the Believers in Christ, that the time is at hand. We must suit up now more than ever to engage ourselves in spiritual battle. Now is the time to stand at attention and in the authority of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. What many people believe to be “climate change” is really what God has described in the Bible. The earth groaning speaks to the natural disasters and plagues that are currently being experienced in many places. Since late last year, there have been increasing reports of natural disasters occurring for the first time ever in such and such a place. The realisation that the earth is groaning reflects the reality of suffering, sinfulness, and destruction in the world around us.

I believe God is calling His people to a state of purification in the body of Christ. Those who claim to be of God and are not will be sought out, and those who use His temple to extort people of their destinies and finances will also be sought out and put to the test for all to see. Businesses that are practicing witchcraft will be put out of business as God says “enough is enough”.

The earth is groaning, and we, the body of Christ, must continue to take action. I also believe that God has inspired some of us to start new businesses and ministries in response to the groaning of the earth. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous or redundant the  idea may be – start it. I encourage you to do so because we will need to extend peace, mercy, favour, and services to those who despised us in the past. Through the body of Christ, the lost will be found and delivered in the mighty name of Jesus.

I am,

Maaya Rodriques

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