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Arise and be counted!

A steady flow of photographs has been released capturing capsized boats, flooded coastlines, and burned-down buildings across Japan in the wake of a 7.6-magnitude earthquake, which hit that nation on the first day of the new year. This massive shaking was immediately followed by more than 40 aftershocks, each measuring above 4.2 on the Richter scale.

In the same week, earthquakes also rocked nations in the Caribbean and parts of Europe.

The earthquake phenomenon is as old as the ages. These were long foretold through the Scriptures, dreams, visions, and prophecies, and repeated through spiritual tremors. But, for the most part, these warnings are generally ignored.

When the earth shakes, unrighteous, strong men tremble; corrupt fat-necks and pot-bellies quiver and groan in terror; pompous self-righteous women scream, clutching their pearls as their chubby knees and stilettos fail them. The sinful scatter for their lives, some freezing in fright for the worst. Calls, pleas, and prayers for mercy gush from the mouths of the wicked and the most ungodly in the hope that they will be spared the cataclysm of the impending judgement.

Regardless of the intensity of any shaking, usually, as things settle down, the unrighteous return to their immoral abnormality. In their ignorance, they encapsulate the few seconds of terror into a forgettable blip in the general continuum of their wretched pursuits.

For the righteous, shakings are understood as signs of the times and precursors to a mighty move of God. Shakings forewarn that the judgement of God is at hand. Wars and commotions, great earthquakes and famines, pestilences, and fearful sights must happen before the end of time. God’s people know that they should not be terrified: for these things are detailed in the Scriptures and the ultimate assurance comes from the LORD above.

Jamaica is quite accustomed to shakings. From the extreme to the mildest. The worst to date was God’s plunging of Port Royal, dubbed the world’s wickedest city, to the bottom of the sea floor in 1692.

According to official sources, Jamaica is constantly shaken by the hand of God, experiencing up to two hundred (200) felt earthquakes in any given year. From 1667 to 1888, at least 55 earthquakes of intensity IV on the Modified Mercalli Scale have occurred in Jamaica, and since 1776, we have had nine earthquakes of intensity VII, enough to cause damage to stone buildings.

Port Royal was known as the unofficial capital of Jamaica and one of the busiest and wealthiest ports in the Americas. It was the storehouse and treasury of the West Indies. At the time of the earthquake, it was a common home port for many of the privateers and pirates operating in the Caribbean Sea. It was a place popular for prostitution, wanton murder, promotion of paedophilia, witchcraft, and brutal corrupt and ungodly operations.

The wrath of God relocated most of that city below sea level and instantly exterminated about 2,000 people. and in the tsunami which followed,  another 3,000 people died, some due to injuries and disease.

For current generations, the images of the devastation from Haiti in 2010 or Turkey in 2023 are forever etched in our minds.

God’s move against any nation can be in the physical, spiritual, or both, at any time, through any phenomenon known or unknown to mortal man.

As earthquakes, wars, civil unrest, tensions among religious orders, famine, floods, and other untenable situations destabilise the world as we know it, the glaring absence of peace in world affairs underscores the need for order and control. But “the earth is still the Lord’s, the fullness thereof and all that dwell therein.” We are dealing with divinely controlled disorder, otherwise known as ‘curse’ across the globe.

Unrighteous men, under the auspices of Satan, will propose and accept solutions to what they read as global instabilities without understanding that they are being used to advance the demonic end-time agenda.

They will use the crises across the globe as a platform and roll out their red carpet to usher in the beast in these end times. This platform is being built on a centralised mechanism for control of natural resources, wealth, and humanity itself.

It will present a centralised management system for food, in order to address famines and issues of inequity. The world’s version of stability will promote, legalise, and embrace tolerance of religions, cultures, lifestyles, and practices that are detestable to God.

The trend is already set. Many countries have placed their trust in old or emerging blocs. The fight for control of territories and currencies is on in earnest.

Nations that refuse to comply with the global move to relinquish sovereignty and accept foreign partnerships, agreements, and rule will face harsh economic sanctions. Countries that refuse the centrally controlled solutions in the end times will be ostracised and economically strangled.

Only leaders who are chosen by God, and who are submitted to the leading of His Holy Spirit will stand against the massive push, coercion, and allure of the beast and its global plans.

The Jamaican government, with its undeterred mission for early enrollment in the one-world order, has already signalled which road it is taking.

Through the signing of the ACP-EU Agreement in Samoa, the Jamaican government has handed over key elements of our sovereignty to others, in exchange for financial and grant support for the nation’s budget. The National Identification System (NIDS) also appears to be right in line with the global move for centralised control of all humanity.

The move by both political parties to replace the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), that has so far proven to be an activist court with a declared mandate to manage donor funds from international agencies, is another clear indicator that Jamaica is on the path of least resistance to unrighteous manoeuvres.

Jamaica is being shaken in many ways, with unusual frequency and various intensities. The church has been placed in a powerful pulveriser, crushed as if in a winepress. The separating of the wheat from the tares is underway. Apostasy is rife, membership is dropping like hot potatoes, and the divisions among the various bodies are more pronounced now than in former years.

Banks and media executives, several in any one day, are being uprooted from their lofty, long-held positions. Pestilence in the form of dengue outbreaks and other maladies are emerging. Families are turning against themselves, domestic violence is escalating. The education system has been avalanched, violence, even among our children, is unprecedented.

Shakings will also hit those secret agreements that the government signed with foreign nations, opening and giving safe passage for unrighteous alliances to enter our schools, families, communities, and nation.

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