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Bride Of Christ: Peace In The Midst Of Birth Pains

By Jody-Ann Gosling-Williams

The Bible tells us that in the last days wickedness will increase, and indeed we have been encountering some terrible times: tragic killings, theft, and a wide range of perverse immorality. Consequently, there has been an eerie feeling in the air of doom and gloom as the end draws near. As we watch the signs of the times unravel and the coming of the end of age, many have experienced fear for the future—fear for themselves, their children, and their grandchildren. However, Jesus foretold all that would take place, so as to put our minds in a state of readiness instead of panic. He also warned us to beware the spirit of deception.

In recent times, we have seen in the international news much talk of aliens, shapeshifters, debates as to whether the world is round or flat, piercings of the firmament, wars, identity crises, religion, and many more confusions to attempt to shake our faith and question our reality. There is increase in questions about the various conspiracies, and much clarity is required from a place of biblical assurance in the midst of chaos and fables. 

The truth is that many churches have shied away from the teaching of the end times as the Body has not been united on some segments of the scriptures, such as pre-tribulation and post-tribulation. I believe more than ever that churches need to begin digging deeper in the Word to teach and edify on the end times, with much emphasis placed on setting our houses in order. One message that will not change is the requirement to focus on the role of Jehovah Mekoddishkem, which means “the LORD who sanctifies,” as the LORD is coming back for a bride who is without spot, blemish, or wrinkle. 


We have all at some point heard someone say, “From me a likkle pickney me a hear say God a come, and all now!” (From I was a small child, I have been hearing that God is returning!)  This has been a statement of mockery, failing to see the urgency and the frailty of time. 

What we don’t seem to be grasping is that when the Word of God tells us that “no one knows the hour or time that the LORD will return,” is that this takes into consideration our own lifetime: we don’t know the day or hour in which we will die. We are mistakenly focusing entirely on the timing of God for the world, but not on the timing of God for our lives. This is a trick of the enemy for us to miss the imperative God has placed on the life of every single person He created, that is, to ensure we choose eternal life with Jesus since we don’t know when our lives will end. 

Understand that the end of age is inclusive of the end of our age. We encounter God in a multidimensional way, so whether we are caught up to meet Him or risen from the dead, every single person will encounter the LORD. (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18)  


In Matthew 24, Jesus gives us a lesson on being observant by noticing the fig tree. He tells us how to watch first by observing the change in the branches becoming green and tender, then they will start to put out leaves – this is how we know that summer is near. 

Why is this important? Knowledge informs us to be wise; it is then up to us to heed instruction. One main outcome of knowledge and wisdom is the peace God promises. In this same passage, Jesus tells us to be watchful, ready, faithful, and wise.

To be wise is to redeem the time; we ought to be dedicated to the LORD’s by loving each other and sharing the gospel. The question is, do we have a Kingdom mindset, or are we here to please ourselves? We are told that in order to be good soldiers of Christ, we ought to endure hardships and not entangle ourselves in the affairs of this life, but to please the LORD, Who has chosen us. (2 Timothy 2:3–4) 

The question is, where is your focus? 

Regardless of the birth pains and all that is changing around us, we must remember that it won’t always be day, and when night comes, no man will be able to work. This is referring to the “windows of opportunity” to preach the gospel. We have witnessed the contending of devotions and prayer in schools, and we see where Christians all over the world are already being persecuted to minister the gospel, such as in China.

In keeping watch, we observe that in real time, many unfoldings of scripture are taking place in our timeline: the Euphrates River is almost completely dried up (Revelation 16:12), and Saudi Arabia is said to be negotiating a deal with Israel (establishing the building blocks of a peace treaty). We see that there have been five red heifers that are being grown in Israel and are being observed to see if they qualify for the sacrifice which follows the rebuilding of the temple (Numbers 19:10-22, Numbers 9:5-7). Within a year, we will know if one of the heifers meets the criteria, which includes no other shade of hair on its skin, except red or shades thereof. 


As we keep watch, we must not be anxious. Ponder deeply what Jesus told us in John 14:27: “He has given us a peace that cannot be moved by this world;” so let not our hearts be troubled. 

What we ought to be guarded against is deception that comes through the media, false prophets, and teachers. 

We guard against deception by studying the Word of God and testing every spirit that seeks to impart it. The Holy Spirit will bear witness to us as to whether a thing is true or not. (Proverbs 8:16) 

There is a sequence of events that must happen before the end: birth pains must take their full course. Many will come claiming to be the LORD; wars; famines; earthquakes. Following persecution, including arrests, being killed, and being hated for being followers of Christ Jesus, there will be a great falling away: people renouncing Christ, betrayals and hatred for each other, false prophets, and rampant sin. The love of many will grow cold, but in spite of it all, the Good News must be preached all around the world before the end comes.

The LORD has already told us, “Do not be afraid, alarmed, or troubled; these things must happen before His return, so take heart and endure to the end.” (Matt. 24:6) 

It is those who stand firm and faithfully serve the LORD who will be saved. 


A full-time evangelist, Jody-Ann heads the Healing and Deliverance Ministry, School Evangelism and Discipleship programmes at Church on the Rock, Kingston. 

Her two books: ‘The Good News of Deliverance’ and ‘Introspection – the Devotional Series’ are available at Bryan’s Bookstore, and York and Lee’s Pharmacies. 

For ministry assistance, call 876-818-3439 or contact [email protected]. 

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