A Futuristic Novel about Jamaica’s Present

Divine Rights is the name of this novel suggests, is about the God- given rights of every human being. However, only a small percentage of the population manage to take advantage of these rights. This is the sentiment of Coriandre Lawrence, the author of this novel which was 1st published July 2020, during a global pandemic.“Divine Rights is not so much about the future but more about exploring where we might be heading — to reveal exactly where we are as a people and society,” he said. According to Lawrence, one of his societal concerns is land reform. “Many of us don’t own anything. Generationally, only a small segment of the society owns any land, and they do not look like you or me. We are entitled to what God has provided for us, but we do not own it. It’s as if slavery has not changed at all!” he exclaims.In describing the novel, Mr. Lawrence insists that though the plot is futuristic, it is addressing present day issues, that must be explored as we look to the future. “This book moves within time and space. Through it, we can travel to a place where we ache to go again. It creates a sentimental bond that engages us in this lifetime, and beyond!” he explains.

Fulfilling Purpose
But when asked during the FCR interview, why he is writing such a book at this time, Mr. Lawrence said his objective is mainly about fulfilling his purpose: “This book is bigger than me. I have not been fulfilling my purpose during the regular 9-5 routine. Furthermore, I have a passion for writing and for life. I also want to open the public’s eyes to the power of self, and of togetherness.” Though set in Jamaica, Lawrence describes this body of work as an “allegorical novel”. A simple definition of allegory is: “…a narrative in which a character, place, or event is used to deliver a broader message about real-world issues and occurrences. He added that he seeks to create a sentimental bond with readers across the world who can relate to its themes whether Jamaican or not.

The Plot
Information about the book taken from a news release, says that the plot is set in the year 2160, and “explores metaphysical, visionary and science fiction. It describes a politically charged society, where questioning the system of governance becomes taboo and dangerous for an entire generation. Drama and suspense permeate the story and is driven through the actions and life of the protagonist Troy.”

About the Author
As a trained journalist, Mr. Lawrence draws on his knowledge from working in the field and cites Jamaica as his inspiration. His career has journeyed through news, business and sports, writing for the Jamaica Gleaner, the African Business Journal and Canadian publications like the Toronto Observer, Zoomer Magazine and the Carlyle Observer. He said growing up in Spanish Town, one of Jamaica’s most historical cities helped to shape his imagination and avid interest in the history of his people and country.

Book Availability
Honing his craft for more than 15 years and embracing his passion for writing, the 37-year-old novelist hopes Divine Rights will start landing on e-readers, tablets and shelves in Jamaica as well as across the diaspora. He believes a larger audience outside the Caribbean literature will find it to be a refreshing read. Copies will be available in bookstores across Jamaica, the Caribbean, Europe and North America, but with limitations due to the pandemic, eBooks are the more viable option for those eager to dive into this lucid Jamaican world of intrigue.
Paperbacks are available through Amazon while eBook versions are downloadable via Kindle, Apple Books, Rakuten Kobo and Google Play Books.
Link to all platforms —
IG — @Trekkingwithcoriandre
Twitter — @CoriandreTrek

An excerpt from the novel Divine Rights — “The yellow zip buses dazzled in the morning sky like an oscillating galaxy of diamonds that festooned St. Thomas Bay, the old airport and Portmore Isles. Troy often thought to himself that Jamaica had become all his father had dreamed.”
Reviews — “…Very intriguing and a fitting dystopia based on the conditions we see around us today. There’s a really great, prophetic tone to the story overall.” (Dutty Bookman, Bookman Express) “You rarely come across such a book which leaves a lot for the reader to comprehend while providing just the right amount of information, still keeping the reader hooked to know more…I love the world-building done by the author. I could imagine myself being in the high-tech cities of futuristic Jamaica.”(Falguni Jain, EPEOLATRY.IN)


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