Faithfulness – Becoming Someone Who God Can Use

Kingdom men, I am aware that this is not true for some of us but for me I take the medication the doctor prescribes for my illness and will do so until I become the person who can command healing in my body and see it manifest. I would sit every morning and eat breakfast and take the medication. I very rarely, very rarely miss taking it – I do mean rarely, like once in an 8-month period. I mean weekdays and weekends also.

Now do you understand my prayer/quote above?

I take my medication like my life depends on it and being in good health depends on it. “Lord I want to be that faithful with my meditation on You!” I know I can be hard on myself because I do have my mentoring time in the mornings, but I miss it sometimes, a few days at times and I never do that with taking my medication. I jog as part of my spending time with God and that is consistent, I must say. Can you imagine how much more like Him I would become if I treated my time spent with Him with the faithfulness that I have for taking my medication? I believe I would soon be healed and not need the medicine.

Resemble Those with Whom We Spend Time

We start to resemble those with whom we spend a lot of time. If they are “bad” we can absorb some of their traits. Scripture says, “Be not deceived, bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Cor. 15: 33 (Berean Study Bible). If they are “good” we become like them. So, if we hang out more with Jesus, guess Who we will start behaving like and speaking, and Loving like?

Become that Future Person

I heard a sermon recently that speaks to the truth that God has already placed purpose in us before we were born. The work was completed, finished and then sealed by Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. We, however, have the task of becoming that person who can attract that completed purpose into our reality. It is there, finished and waiting for us, but the person we are now cannot attain unto it. We must become that future person who would attract all the resources needed to do the will of God. We become that person through our relationship with Christ in prayer, worship, meditation. We are required to be faithful in our passionate pursuit of becoming more like Christ daily until we attain unto that Christlikeness that sees provision supernaturally coming to us effortlessly.

The Place Called Love

Hey, do not get it twisted. This is not about us sitting around lazy, waiting on God. He has placed desires in our hearts to impact the people/ group to which He has sent us. When we spend time with Jesus and look at the example of His life, we did not see someone who was sitting around watching Netflix or Hulu and saying, “I will just wait on God here while I passively “become” and reap the benefits effortlessly when that happens. We see Jesus constantly on the go but not hurriedly like many of us today. He was always serving God’s other children. He was constantly living in “the place called Love.” (Thanks Dr ALicia Britt Chole for that phrase) – Living from “the place called Love” is to live a life of obedience to Christ because He said if we Love Him we obey His commandment. One Apostle said “… and His commandments are not grievous.” (For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:3 KJV)


Powerful “Kingdom Men” of God, the Lord has placed on your hearts visions that came from Him. One way of knowing if it is from Him is to examine whether you can do it by yourself. If you can, it was not from Him. I believe God chooses to only give God -sized tasks to us because we would learn to depend on Him to accomplish it. Guess Who else was totally dependent on God to do everything? Jesus of course! Now if He, Jesus the Christ was fully dependent on God to do everything, why are we not depending on God in the Person of the Holy Spirit Who is closer to us than our very hands and feet as He lives in us and will be with us forever if we are born again? (John 14: 17). Just to cement this point of His dependence on God, Jesus said it was not He who was doing the work but rather “… the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” (verse 10, KJV) Another translation says, “…for he lives in me and performs his miracles of power through me. “The Passion Translation- TPT)

Becoming More like Him

Men, I know we were taught to be independent and be the go-getter and I want us to keep that passion but direct it towards getting to know of Jesus, direct it at becoming more like Him. You can depend on God in the person of the Holy Spirit and He will perform the miraculous work through you. Only supernatural works of God can save our nation and the most difficult places to experience change in the natural, is in the poorest places in any country. This is also the place where the transformation will be significant. God wants us to avail ourselves to Him to join Him where He is already at work in the under-resourced communities in our nation. Be in prayer about who He wants you to become so that He can use you by performing His miraculous works through you. Works like that of 1 Cor. 1: 27-28. (TPT) – which powers my personal vision.

But God chose those whom the world considers foolish to shame those who think they are wise, and God chose the puny and powerless to shame the high and mighty. He chose the lowly, the laughable in the world’s eyes—nobodies—so that he would shame the somebodies. For he chose what is regarded as insignificant in order to supersede what is regarded as prominent,

A Wise Thing
If God sees these persons as important, “those whom the world considers foolish, the puny and powerless, the lowly, the laughable in the world’s eyes—nobodies, and what is regarded as insignificant; then I am choosing to also regard these persons as particularly important to God, after all, this to me, is a wise thing indeed.

From Under- Resourced Communities

I say that any nation that wants to progress in truth and under God will pay attention to those whom God sees as important. Therefore, my passion is to reach those young men and young women from under-resourced communities. God is interested in them more than you think, and He wants to shame some “high and mighties”, some “somebodies” and to make the “insignificant” people supersede the prominent. I want to join Him at the forefront of doing that. Oh, how wonderful that will be!

Be Faithful to the Vision

Let us be faithful to the vision God has placed in our hearts towards serving His other children, particularly those who are downtrodden, and living at the margins of our society. Prayerfully consider joining God. I can hook you up with a link to any under-resourced (inner-city) community in this nation because I know Pastor Bruce Fletcher from Operation Save Jamaica (OSJ) whose ministry has worked in many of these. If he does not have direct links, he will find someone who does. Look up OSJ online and make a link or Call: (876) 522-9461

My brothers I leave us with a quotation below that we should consider printing and putting on our walls at work and/or at home. Shalom!

“There are people who depend on you to be strong – those who look up to you with great hope … You may be surprised to know your silent admirers who yearned for you to succeed and thereby blaze a trail of hope for them.

Alvin Day – Author of “If caterpillars can fly so can I”

P'Tako Davis: