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The me that is posing a threat to world peace!

By 84-year-old Germaine Lynch

There exists among the human race, an ugly, despicable character seeking desperately to rob mankind of his God-given freedom. This character is relentlessly attempting to decide who lives or dies, who speaks, who moves or is restricted, who sits, stands, stumbles, or falls – behaviour that is the result of a grandiose, ugly inner me with a rapacious hunger for power and control of others.
This “Me” is afflicted with a strange disease called “Me at any cost” that blinds me and makes me see only me everywhere me goes. It is the bedrock of conning the ignorant and those who are unable to think for themselves, to lure them into the arms of Socialism, Totalitarianism, and Communism. That which is used as the luring agent is often free handouts and lawlessness. I caution you to be alert to the fact that such “freeness” always comes with a very high price: your soul, your integrity, and very often, your faith.
The big, ugly “inner me” is always looming so large that it does not have the capacity to recognize the “you” in others. This “me” can only accommodate what is in its own best interest. Those afflicted with this deep hunger for control hide their ugly “inner me” under the umbrella of making utopian promises to the unsuspecting. Today, even capitalist money is being spent to maintain these types of non-capitalist ideals. However, when the money runs out, chaos and mayhem will ensue, for people have a natural limit, pushed beyond which they are very likely to explode.
This diseased system of “me-ism” is rife with bullyism. Avoid it you must! The ugly “inner me’s” ooze dishonesty, arrogance, and human rights abuse of those who are not in favour of their ideals. However, they are only able to attract those who are like-minded: those with no mind of their own and the inherently lazy.

Government having total control over every breath you breathe and turning many families and friends against each other, cannot be a good thing. Even our Creator, God gave us the freedom to think and to choose whether or not we will serve Him. So, how dare mere man believe that he is greater than God, to relegate human beings to an animal farm-like system where no individual thought is to be accommodated? No system that treats human beings like robots can ever hope to be totally successful.
True success lies in the hands of every human being who, given freedom, has the God-breathed ability and capacity to lift himself up by his own boot-strap. There is no greater satisfaction than that which comes from personal effort with no strings attached.
Let us never sell our souls and freedoms on the altar of expediency to those who offer freeness with their ugly “inner me” agenda. Freedom is too expensive and valuable to be traded so cheaply at the “bend-down market” run by “me, myself and I”.
Remember, child of God, socialism, totalitarianism and communism have no place for God and religion, far less your freedom of expression and liberty. The leader of the clan is always fighting to usurp the position of God, forgetting his fallible state. Sadly, there are still many who would voluntarily follow such a despot though, making you shake your head in disbelief that anyone with a modicum of intelligence and God-engendered agency, would subscribe to a system of governance that perpetually makes them feel less than human. Bullyism, wholesale spying, and government-encouraged synching are often hallmarks of such systems. The long arm of any tyrannical government is forever reaching into your private space to take away your freedom and to deny you the practise of your faith. Tolerance for opposing views is not accommodated as everyone is expected to sing from the same hymn sheet.
Do you believe this is right? Please say ‘NO’ to totalitarianism in all its forms and be your own man or woman, paying homage only to God. I implore everyone who reads this article to take the information seriously and do not be dazzled by the shiny penny of socialism, totalitarianism, and communism that may come dangling before your eyes. Do not be fooled: such a penny comes at the expense of your God-given freedom. Reject it even if it means going hungry, naked, or homeless – the LORD will provide. There is a caveat to His provision though: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

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