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Embracing Positivity: A Journey From Negative Self-Perception To Empowerment

By Tricia-Anne Y. Morris

As women, we often find ourselves grappling with feelings of defeat, unworthiness, and inadequacy. These emotions can be rooted in a range of experiences, from past hurts and unfulfilled expectations to societal pressures that breed comparison (for example, “how comes you’re 40 and not married, and your sister, who is 25, is happily wed?”  Or, “You’ve been married so long, what are you waiting on to have a baby?”) The result is an internal narrative that casts shadows on our self-worth. Yet, the path to liberation lies in recognizing that these self-perceptions are not immutable truths but rather self-imposed limitations that can be shattered.

By Tricia-Anne Y. Morris


Often, the way we perceive ourselves shapes our thoughts and language. Negative self-perceptions lead to a cycle of self-deprecation that can be stifling, like a pigeonhole that restricts our potential. Just as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Urban Dictionary define “pigeonhole” as confining oneself to a limiting category, our negative thoughts confine us, inhibiting our growth and preventing us from seizing opportunities. This cyclical pattern holds us hostage, draining our vitality and preventing us from engaging in activities that can bring us joy and fulfillment.


The connection between thoughts and words is an intricate dance, one that has the ability to shape our realities. Negative thoughts give rise to negative words, which further reinforce our limited beliefs. Proverbs 18:21 succinctly captures this dynamic, affirming that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” Just as hurtful words make children cry and cower, our minds and bodies react similarly to self-inflicted negative language. Instead of thriving, we find ourselves succumbing to self-doubt and internal turmoil.


To break free from the pigeonhole of negativity, we must choose to cultivate positivity. Healthy women recognize the significance of aligning their thoughts and words with the Divine perspective. Rather than adopting self-deprecating language, they choose to echo the affirming words of God. His Word is a beacon of light in the darkest moments, a source of strength when we feel low. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us that His Word is alive and active, capable of breathing life into our spirits and dispelling the clouds of negativity.  


God’s Word is replete with declarations of our worth and identity as His beloved children. Take 1 Peter 2:9, for instance, where we are hailed as “a chosen people, a royal priesthood…God’s special possession.” This proclamation challenges our self-imposed labels of unworthiness, replacing them with a profound truth: we are chosen and esteemed by the Creator Himself. As His special possession, we hold a unique place in His heart, and this truth should serve as the bedrock of our self-perception.


While embracing these truths can be transformative, it’s not always easy to escape the clutches of negativity. The storms of doubt and fear can overwhelm even the most steadfast minds. This is where the power of Scriptures is crucial. Verses like 2 Corinthians 10:5 empower us to “rebuke every evil thought and take them captive to make them obedient to Christ.” This obedience entails aligning our thoughts with God’s promises—those affirmations of our royal, chosen, and anointed status in the Kingdom of God and as His children. By filling our minds with these truths, we activate an atmosphere of positivity that resonates with God’s Word.


For those moments when negativity still lingers, a change in perspective can serve as a catalyst for transformation. Engaging in acts of gratitude, such as clapping, singing, and offering thanks, can usher in a wave of joy. This positive shift not only dispels negativity but also reaffirms our connection with God. By redirecting our focus from our limitations to His abundant blessings, we release the hold of negativity and open ourselves up to the realm of possibility. 


Women, the journey from negative self-perception to empowerment is a profound one, marked by intentional choices in thought and language. Recognizing the “pigeonhole” effect of negativity allows us to break free from its confines and embrace a more expansive reality. Our words possess the power to shape our lives, making it imperative to cultivate positivity from within. By aligning our thoughts with God’s Word and embracing our identity as His chosen possession, we tap into the wellspring of empowerment. Even when doubt creeps in, the Scriptures serve as potent tools for realignment, paving the way for a mindset that mirrors Christ’s. Ultimately, through gratitude and joy, we can dispel the lingering clouds of negativity and step into a life illuminated by purpose, strength, and self-love.

Article first published at  

Passionate about prayer, Tricia-Anne Y. Morris holds a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA).  A Jamaican, she can be contacted at [email protected]; check out her YouTube channel, “Real Women Unplugged” at

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