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Faith Talks: Faith As Small As A Mustard Seed!

By Kiesha Pitter

What is faith? 

Faith is conviction in God’s power and His promises. It is not about relying on our abilities or resources, but on God’s. How small can faith be? Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, according to Matthew 17:20 (NIV). This means that even a little bit of faith can go a long way. What are the “mountains” we face in life? We all face challenges in life that seem too big to control or overcome on our own.

These challenges may include financial struggles, health issues, strained relationships, or difficult decisions. We unearth more truth in scripture, 2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV) gives a reminder and solace that Believers are to “walk by faith, not by sight.”

I, too, fall short of this truth, it’s incomprehensible to our human component, but in living with Sickle Cell disease, and, whilst walking through my ankle process, it’s the goodness and grace of God that keep me sane and strong enough to overcome and not succumb.


Little steps of faith can lead to extraordinary faith that will completely blow your mind. Never stop believing and make that first step today. I’ve stumbled upon these two quotes from Mr. Pastor Jerry Flowers; the first one states, “The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking One!” I was stunned and speechless as I reflected on my completion of an “Author Programme” and how the money was way out of my budget, but I fasted and prayed earnestly to the Holy Spirit because I knew this programme was something He wanted me to pursue. But doubts and feelings of inadequacy begun to creep in, so after weeks of back-and-forth deliberations and negotiations, you know, sometimes we tend to try talking ourselves out of something the Holy Spirit talked us into—epic fail.

Ergo, I stepped out in faith, signed up for the training course, and let me tell you, God provided a hundredfold every month.  The money was miraculously paid, and in four months, I completed the course, leaving feeling very fulfilled and equipped with the knowledge and a deeper understanding of my faith being enlarged and stretched—faith truly talks.

The second quote that I hold very dear to my heart because I can relate to it on a personal level, states, “You Didn’t Die, You Developed!”

Thank you, Holy Spirit. The fire and testing we go through aren’t meant to destroy us but to refine and expand our faith.


Kiesha Pitter loves God and all things books and reading. God has helped her overcome many physical challenges and emotional breakdowns associated with sickle-cell disease, and He has taught her to use writing as therapy. Contact: [email protected].

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