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Goodness and Mercy – Needed in the Inner-City

Years ago, I was reading a book on temperament which is a way psychologist analyse how human personalities differ one from the other – I am no expert so forgive my poor definition. Temperament is the way God created us according to a Christian Psychology approach I studied on temperaments. Going back to the writer, he said he did an experiment with his class. He asked them to list on the blackboard (remember those ancient things) all the psychological problems they could come up with and they did so. I can imagine how the blackboard was filled with every psychological issue known to man.

God Already Designed the Solutions

Then he asked them to list on another section of the blackboard the nine aspects or parts of the fruit of the Spirit. (He was teaching at a Seminary of course) – He then did something remarkable. He asked them to try and group all the psychological issues they had listed beneath the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit that would be a solution to that issue. They found that every issue could fit under one or more of the parts of the fruit of the Spirit which provides the solution to that problem. The solution is already in our very being.

An Integral Part of Our Identity

Gentleman, goodness and mercy are needed in our lives for what I am about to say. God has placed in us as born-again Christians; the Holy Spirit and He comes with His fruit which is also in us and forms an integral part of our identity. Goodness is a part of who we are so “uprightness of heart and life, goodness, kindness and virtue” is how the Greek describes it in English.

Saved us to Expand His Kingdom

By His mercy, God had saved us to expand His Kingdom which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. This righteousness, peace and joy are in us because this is where Jesus said the Kingdom of God resides. Read Luke 17: 20-21. Now if the Kingdom of God is in us and the King in the person of the Holy Spirit is in us along with the complete and finished character formation of the fruit of the Spirit, we are well able to do what God is calling us to do.

Disciple Young Men

He is calling us to be extremely and urgently seeking His guidance in joining Him as He disciples young men from the inner-city – my great friend at Operation Save Jamaica (OSJ) Pastor Bruce Fletcher used the term under-resourced communities. I like that term. Gentleman, goodness as a part of the fruit of the Spirit is calling us to take the characteristic of uprightness of heart and life, of kindness, to those young men from under-resourced communities who He Loves dearly. Please brace yourselves for a reality check I am about to share with you.

A Reality Check-Brings Me to Tears

Being a part of a prayer group that meets on Zoom every Wednesday morning (6 am – 7 am) to pray for under-resourced communities in our nation, through OSJ, I have intelligence about the serious atrocities that the enemy is wreaking in the lives of our people. I have heard of a hand being found at a person’s door in one community, in another, it was a leg. I have heard of killing on Christmas Day and reprisal killing the same day and on Boxing Day as well. I have heard of young men going to obeah men for guard ring and other means of protection rather than turning to God and changing for the better. I have heard of seven-year-old boys weeping at the funeral of their dearly older siblings and friends. It pains my heart and brings me to tears.

We are the Solution

Scripture says that we are the solution, and it is not the young men we are to be angry with. It is the devil and principalities and powers in the heavenlies. Our warfare is not carnal, meaning natural. We are not fighting the natural man or natural occurrences. Psychology and sociology cannot provide the solution unless they are undergirded by the manifold wisdom of God being made known to principalities.

Gentlemen, these are not just fickle words from a book that is merely there as tenets for a religion that appeases us. This is the true reality. We are not wrestling against natural man but spiritual and demonic forces. But do not dare be afraid because He that is within you is greater than he that is in the world. Jesus said – “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (Luke 10:19 – NIV)

Disciple (Mentor and Show)

Do you think it was your friend who told you that? It is He Who defeated Satan on the cross and He lives in us along with the same resurrection power and authority. We are well able to take on reaching every young man and by extension young women in under-resourced communities. It is the mandate of God that we go forth and disciple, meaning mentor and show them alternative godly ways of living.

Join God in the Under-resourced Communities

Let us seek the Lord and rise as men in whatever community we find ourselves or in whatever under-resourced community God is sending us to impact, to join Him where He is already at work. In defending Himself about healing and helping people on the Sabbath, Jesus made a profound statement about God’s nature and activity in the world around us. The Scripture states it this way: Jesus answered his critics by saying, “Everyday my Father is at work, and I will be too!” (TPT) or as the NIV puts it – “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” (John 5: 17) Going with Practical Solutions Under God

Kingdom Men. We have work to do! We are not going in blind so we can be blindsided by the devil. We are going in guns raging on all 66 cylinders (I know I just mixed up my metaphors there but so what) we are fighting with the Word of God, having put on the full armour and we are using the Blood of Jesus, the Name of Jesus and acting on the leading of the Holy Spirit. We go with practical solutions that transform lives because it is God directed.

Kingdom Men, Let us Go!

Solutions to issues God will show and provide us with will also form an integral part of our arsenal. Gentlemen, Kingdom Men! We have work to do. We are the solutions coming with and as the solution. Let us start our hitherto now and join God Who is already at work around us.

What an amazing privilege! Let us go! Let us speak the Words of Jesus as our own, internalize it and be convicted by it He said:

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9: 4 KJV)


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