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Letter to the Editor: Reject the gender-neutral policy

Dear Editor

I am asking Jamaicans and people of all other nations to beware when you hear about “neutral-gender policy”.  It is one of the ways of introducing the concept of “gender-identity”, in which a boy or a man, may dislike being a boy or a man, and choose to be a girl or a woman, or in which a girl or a woman, may dislike being a girl or a woman, and choose to be a boy or a man.  It implies that there is no real division between male and female, and that gender is “fluid”, that is, it may change from male to female and from female to male.  It is a gate-way into the practice of “transgender”, in which a male think he is a female and a female think she is a male.

“Neutral-Gender Policy”, in which a person is neither identified as a “man” or as a “woman”, has already affected many dictionaries, which define marriage as “the voluntary union of two persons”, rather than as “the voluntary union of a man and a woman”.  In this way, “two persons” may be a man and a woman, a man and a man, and a woman and a woman.  In other words, “Neutral-Gender Policy” is intended by the promoters of same-sex relationships or transgender relationships to make governments, educational institutions, churches, and families grow to accept these same-sex relationships or transgender relationships.

“Neutral-Gender Policy” is not right in the sight of God.  It is not right in His sight, for God created human beings male and female.  (See Gen.1:26-27)  Gender is not what you choose to be, but what God created you to be.  Differences in gender are important.  They should not be neutralized. Male was made stronger than female in order to be able to protect and to provide for his wife and his children. (See 1st Pet.3:7; Gen.2:15;  Gen.3:19)  Female was made to bear children in the marriage relationship, to nurse them, and both father and mother were appointed to train their children to know God, to love Him and to obey Him.  (See Gen.3:16;  Mal.2:15)

God does not want a male to behave like a female, nor does he want a female to behave like a male.  (See Deut.22:5)  God does not want a woman to have sex with a woman, nor does He want a man to have sex with a man.  (See Rom.1:26-27)  Marriage is for an adult male and an adult female.  (See Gen.2:24;  1st Cor.7:2)  It is for the opposite genders so that they may be able to produce children so that the population does not die out.  (See Lk.20:34-36)  This is why same-sex marriage or transgender marriage is wrong in the sight of God, and it is not regarded as a marriage in the sight of God, but as sexual sin.

Therefore I am calling on the people of Jamaica to beware of the “Gender-Neutral Policy”.  Do not accept it.  Do not practice it.  Rich countries, which fund the Government of Jamaica, attach conditions to their financial support, and these conditions are that the government should try to influence the society through its ministries, departments and agencies to accept same-sex and transgender relationships.  I am calling on the government to avoid taking any funding, which would pressure you to go against the commandments of God.  Remember that you are accountable to God for how you govern Jamaica.  If you introduce same-sex and transgender relationships, God will punish you in His fierce anger!

I am,

Mr. Joseph Buckland

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