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Slavery or Samoa?

Satan will not win

There is no new thing under the sun. As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.

The Europeans are on the return leg of the trade agreement relay. Again, they have engaged African and Caribbean nations in another deadly deal.

Only a few centuries ago, the foreparents of the current crop of Europeans boarded ships and headed to the African west coast with handfuls of marbles to purchase men and women whom they transported as cargo in chains across the Atlantic to sell into the most brutal form of slavery known to humanity.

Between 1519 and 1838, this slave trade agreement was a booming business, buttressed by the Bible. The Europeans, with bayonets in one hand and the Bible in the other, championed the Scriptures as truth and wisdom, often reciting particular verses to enhance their vicious scheme. The Word of God, for them, was a crutch to justify their wickedness and demand the submission of the bewildered Africans, whom they gleefully colonised. Today, the descendants of the former enslavers are at it again; only this time, they have replaced the Bible with the LGBTQI agenda and their reprobate lifestyle. The bayonets have morphed into financial promises and the threat of sanctions for those who fail to comply.

God is forgiving, but recorded history is not. Libraries in Jamaica and other parts of the world are replete with thousands of stories about European missionaries who partnered with slave traders on their trips to birth the modern-day Americas and the Caribbean.

The story of Noah and his drunken nakedness in the Old Testament was used to secure the indoctrination of enslaved Africans, and the admonition of the Apostle Paul for slaves to obey their masters in the New Testament was used to solidify their submission.

The languages of the colonists were not familiar to the majority of the enslaved people, so they took the biblical drips and drabs that they understood as gospel, as it was intended to be.

The slavers and their missionaries baptised millions of enslaved people, on whose backs they amassed vast amounts of wealth, built impressive cities, and established global conglomerates with goods and money expatriated to their homeland.

Even the wickedest city of the 15th century, Port Royal, boasted its cohort of Christian pastors and missionaries. They secured a weird kind of order, holding Sunday services regularly in disarray and decadence.

The story is told that on June 7th, 1692, Dr. Emmanuel Heath, the Anglican rector for Port Royal, Jamaica, finished his morning prayer service at St. Paul’s Church and walked to a nearby tavern frequented by many of the town’s leading merchants. There, he joined John White, president of the local governing body.

It was after the two men dined and shared a bottle of their favourite wormwood wine and a puff of tobacco that all hell broke loose. The floor suddenly began ‘rowling and moving’ as the judgement, which plunged the city beneath the ocean, was underway.

Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden were among the main enslavers and colonisers under the transatlantic slave trade agreement. These countries were all part of the European Union, along with Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Following a referendum on the 23, 2016, Britain left the EU. 

Today, the descendants of these same European countries, many of whom continue to live lavishly from the wealth amassed by their foreparents, are aggressively pushing the ungodly agenda, forcing smaller nations in Africa and the Caribbean to enter into another unrighteous trade agreement, only this time they strongly oppose the Bible.

The Samoa agreement, recently signed by many nations in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, signals the return leg of the transatlantic relay. 

The EU is not making any pretence about extracting wealth from these nations on this occasion. This time, they come with a different set of marbles in hand, seeking to trade them for the wholesale acceptance and implementation of the reprobate lifestyle and the rebellion against God. 

The evil intentions of the EU ancestors seem to have been passed on to their descendants. So the offer to fund climate change programmes and provide budgetary support is twinned with a demand for Caribbean and African children to be taught the reprobate version of Comprehensive Reproductive Health and that these wrongs are to be enforced in our schools.

The new Samoa treaty is not designed to capture and enslave bodies but to arrest and imprison minds and hearts on their mission to populate hell. Presented as a legal framework guiding

relations between the 27 European nations and 79 African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries for the next two decades, this new EU agreement centres around the LGBTQI ideology, gender confusion, and abortion on demand. 

This trade agreement could significantly impact the populations, cultures, and resources of African and Caribbean nations. But even greater than all of that, it could permanently sever their relationship with God.

The former colonists, in their bloody conquest between 1510 and 1838, failed to grasp the fact that the Sovereign God was still God, even as they transacted their brutal business. Their warped minds could not wrap themselves around the truth that the Word of God could not be diminished, even when delivered through the mouths of the wicked. 

Unknown to them, in the New World, God’s Word served as a catalyst for the enslaved people’s fight for freedom and provided a powerful platform on which local clergy launched their battle for the region and many other parts of the Western world.

God had used the European slave traders to deliver His intent, cutting through their wickedness and providing sustenance for an oppressed people. He showed Himself strong and mighty through His Word to the local churches, and the flock learned how to recognise Him as Daniel’s God, the deliverer through the Old Testament, their comforter, defender, and waymaker through the Psalms, and their risen Lord, overcoming death, hell, and the grave from the writings of the Apostles.

The enslaved people learned, through the spoken Word, that their God, and not their circumstances, would dictate their destiny. Emboldened by the Word, enslaved people who were Christianised, led the charge against the wickedness. Their fight was supported by the release of pestilence across the region, which led to the demise of many colonists. As the business arrangement faced rapid decline, the inhumane trade had to end.

Regardless of the actions and intentions of the wicked, the Word will deliver God’s exact intent to His people in the Caribbean, the Americas, and the rest of the earth. He has done it before, and He will do it again.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

So, Satan, whether it is slavery or Samoa, God will have the last say. 

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