Soul Ties

This week, we bring you nuggets from our episode on “Soul Ties” and pray that you will be fortified as you read.


A soul tie as an emotional, spiritual cord or bond that provides an inexplicable strong connection between individuals. Soul links can exist not only between love partners, but also between acquaintances, co-workers, family members, sexual partners, and even individuals who have little to no chance of ever.


Usually, wherever soul bonds exist, toxic relationships are typically implied. Many who are in intimate soul-tied relationships, especially when sexual connections outside of God’s marriage covenant are involved, suffer abuse emotionally, mentally, sexually, physically, etcetera.

Unfortunately, soul ties are not often recognized/acknowledged when they form. Due to our level of interconnectedness, we tend to disregard the negative consequences of our actions, much to our detriment. Let’s examine this through the prism of a relationship between two persons: one may perceive that the relationship is not conducive to also concentrate on academic pursuits, but may be pressured by the other individual to continue, and even to engage in sexual activities that may result in pregnancy, thus crippling attention to the task at hand. The sad reality is that many of us often lack the guts to quit a degrading or non-elevating situation. Even when a relationship is not productive, we tend to exercise a “ride or die” mentality. We advise you to thoroughly read Samson’s story in the book of Judges to understand this perspective and determine whether or not it applies to you and your relationships.


Everyone has a soul connection with someone, but we urge you to be very choosy especially when it comes to those of a romantic nature. Permit the Holy Spirit to guide your actions and judgments, for, according to the proverb, “where your treasure is, there will also be your heart.” (Matthew 6:21)  Ensure that you place God at the center of all your relationships.


There are various issues to be explored, but the severing of ungodly soul bonds is crucial. It is possible to be haunted by past deeds and discussions. Always keep in mind that soul links transcend the realms of natural relationships and are of a spiritual nature. We acknowledge that some extreme circumstances necessitate divine intervention. Here are a few measures for breaking these links.

Recognize that a soul connection exists

James 5:16 instructs Believers to confess their sins to one another in order to receive healing. We recommend doing this with a genuine God-representative.

Decide to terminate the relationship

Travail in prayer and/or fast to sever the link that has been established, as well as shouting out their names in intercession to cut the cord that has been built between you and the other person.

Choose Forgiveness

Forgiveness requires action, and it is frequently the most difficult step to take, possibly because you believe that the other party should be the one to beg for your forgiveness.

Remove all items that connect you to the individual

Be mindful of your action so that you do not re-open old doors. Moving on entails the disposal of objects such as gifts, photographs, clothing, love letters, email, WhatsApp messages, etc. Bear in mind that these items are symbols of the relationship and must be eliminated from your life.

In closing, we implore you to be watchful of how you conduct yourself in relationships.  Be careful of how you interact with persons you admire because soul ties can be very easily created.  If you see persons names in general places (like a telephone directory) and it makes your heart skip a beat, be on the lookout, a soul tie could be developing.  Make deliberate effort to avoid building soul ties that you know are not of God because they are always disastrous. A friend once shared this with me and I think it’s very good advice: if you do not have the will to even pray to get out of a soul-tie relationship, ask for persons to pray for you that the LORD Jesus will break you until you are able to pray for yourself.  

Friends of soul-tied persons, if you observe that there is constant bickering between them, or they are up and down in their acrimonious relationship, pray for the LORD to increase the  level of friction so that at least one person will have no justification to continue clutching at a straw.

Youth S.O.U.L (Youth Spiritually Operating Under the LORD) is a radio program aired every Friday at 6 p.m. on TBC Radio – 88.3, 88.5, 88.9 FM, as well as via channel 831 on Flow tv.  Previously aired programs can be found on their Youtube Channel and Instagram page.

Although designed by youths for youths, the information provided by Youth S.O.U.L is valuable to all ages. The ministry serves as an evangelistic vehicle that unites young people through their love of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and facilitates their growth, while equipping them with the necessary tools to make disciples of their secular counterpart. All this while maintaining a balance of fun, fellowship, and a ministry rooted and grounded in the Word of God.

Contact Youth S.O.U.L. at Check us on Youtube and Instagram

Nadine Harris: