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Stephanie Greaves Rejoices With ‘Gratitude’

UK gospel singer launches New Album

UK gospel singer and songwriter Stephanie Greaves released her second studio album last summer, and so far it is doing well.

Entitled Gratitude, it is a collection of 12 multi-genre songs. A project that started in 2016, it carries an appeal for various musical tastes and preferences. ‘When a Man’s Ways’, for the Reggae connoisseurs, ‘Turn It Around’ for blues lovers, and for Christian contemporary music lovers, they can tune in to ‘No Other God’ featuring Stephanie’s son Simon ‘PJ’ Greaves.

The album’s lead track is titled ‘Medley’ and is a collection of Caribbean choruses that Greaves recalls her mother singing growing up as a child. Among the songs in the medley mix are All Over the World, Yes, I’m Overshadowed, Deep Deep, Very Deep in My Heart, and It’s Coming Down, accompanied by a tropical rhythmic production that should have listeners singing along with great enjoyment.

Commenting on the inspiration behind the album, Greaves said it is knowing that God has blessed her to see her 60th birthday, and ‘Gratitude’ is all about giving thanks for his mercies towards her.

Greaves, who comes from a line of musical legacy with her siblings being in a gospel group called The Celestial Chords, said they made a musical contribution to the gospel music industry in England, and she is continuing on that path.

In 2021, she received an award in Sweden in recognition of her music, and was a recipient of ‘Song of the Year’ for her single ‘Fresh Start’.

In addition to her musical journey, Greaves works alongside her husband, Bishop Desmond Greaves, in the Salvation and Deliverance Ministry in South London to help build the kingdom of God.

Serving on the praise and worship team, choir, and with the ladies department, she continues to make herself available to serve within the church community.

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