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Letter to the Editor: Is this a wake-up call for Jamaica?

Dear Editor,

Which one of us was prepared for the earthquake on Monday?

More than likely, everyone would say that they were not prepared for it!

Is this a wake up call for Jamaica?  Many I suppose would ask this same question.  

Why are the children and females being slaughtered as though they are animals that have been butchered?  It is unbelievable to see what is happening in our country, and the government’s silence is almost deafening!  The slogan:  “The children are our future”, but how can they be when they are being murdered day after day?  Do you think that God would not show us a sign?  The Jamaica National Anthem and The Jamaica National Pledge speak loudly that we are a God-fearing nation;  yet the government of the day is constantly pushing to enforce laws that are contrary to God’s Law!  I must congratulate the Supreme Court for dismissing the case concerning changing the law that forbids buggery!  We, as citizens, want the law that forbids buggery to be maintained.  Why do some people want Jamaica to fall into the hands of Satan?  Our children would be a greater target for sexual assault and unnatural sexual acts that are abominable!  I am calling on well-thinking Jamaicans to continue to fight the good fight of faith!  Never give up!  Keep pressing on, for God is on your side!

We need to continue to pray earnestly for Jamaica that those, who are committing these horrendous crimes in our country, be transformed from the heart!  It cannot continue!  Change has to come!  Let us, as parents, start from the home.  Instill good moral values in our children.  The home is the starting point.  From personal experience, I can tell you it works!  Take parental responsibility seriously!  You will see the positive results!  God’s Word always works!  

To God be all the glory forever and ever and ever.  Amen.

I am,

Fay Buckland.

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