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Talking to a door post about NIDS

Dear Editor, 

Concerning the NIDS, it is clear that the devil’s agenda, one prophesied for the end times, is  being fulfilled, but Christ is still bellowing through us. It is not strange that many of our leaders aren’t persuaded of what the scripture says; that is if they even know it. 

The world over, renowned mathematicians and scientists have sat at tables of discourse trying to make a case for the non-existence of God and testing the veracity of the Bible. There are a number of them who have said that there is no way that this earth simply evolved out of nothing. To date, I can name a number of scientists who have adhered to the scriptural teachings and have become strong men of faith in Christ. Our leaders may know nothing of these men, because like most of us,  they are far more concerned about the things the world affords us. It is this worldly thinking that seeks to entrap us and bring us into the bondage of sin, to the point where we are ready and only suited for hell fire. 

The simplicity of the belief in Christ and his word eludes some leaders and speaking to them about scripture may be tantamount to talking to a door post. After all, how could it be the mark of the beast when it presents such a wonderful solution for all our ills? 

Destruction is at our doors, but these occurrences should not frighten us. I applaud those who have made their voices heard. It is this witness that will stand in the judgement. There is an agenda. The obscurity of the purpose of NIDS adds confusion and drags it back into further conversations which lead to the question of what  kind of system we should have in place for identification? 

Chances are, anyone who is willing to be marked will be quite an advocate for NIDS, or a least will not heed any warning against it. If we aren’t given liberties according to God’s word, then there should not be liberties at all. And this is what the devil and his minions are working so hard for – pushing various buttons in various places at various times for the sole purpose of ushering us into purgatory. God help us! 

I am,

Leo Lewis

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