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Discover Your Purpose

Jesus, Who is our perfect example, embraced His purpose while He was on earth. When He was being baptised by John, John felt unworthy because he thought Jesus was more spiritual than he was. He told Jesus, “I should be the one who is to be baptised by You.”  However, Jesus said, “Let us fulfill the righteousness of Scripture, go ahead and baptize me.”

Jesus is lauded throughout Scripture for embracing the purpose for which He was placed on this earth. At one point, He said to His disciples, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me.”  As followers of Christ, we need to follow this example. We are not to be content just to give our hearts to the Lord and associate with “Christian” activities. We are to seek God to find out what our purpose on earth is and pursue it with our whole heart. And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? Deuteronomy 10:12–13We can accomplish this by relying on the Holy Spirit Who is in us. He is the Spirit of Truth, and He will guide us and give us the grace to accomplish our calling.If we are not accomplishing our purpose on this earth, we are not truly living.To live our lives to the fullest, we need to make every day count by doing all that the Holy Spirit tells us to do. Everyone has a different purpose in life. As we see in Scripture, some were called to be apostles, some teachers, some evangelists,  helps, intercessors, and so forth. The important thing is to  function in your God-given calling. This makes things run smoothly, but when we are not in our rightful place, there is chaos.Your purpose is very important in knowing your place in life. You are not easily deterred. You hold your purpose before you as frontlets between your eyes, looking straight at the course you are to take.May God help us to walk in our God-given purpose and accomplish the course He has set forth for us to accomplish in this life, so that in the end we can hear Him say, “Well done!”  

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